I attached a pdf file of the revised formatted version for you to print and spread around, here's the text:
You take the best, and we’ll take the rest!
The Bellingham Gleaning Network is a project formed through the Transition Whatcom community. We are interested in gleaning from all types of fruit trees and bushes at the end of each fruit's season.
If you think you will have leftover fruit and wouldn’t mind it being gleaned for preservation projects in the community (such as canning, dehydrating, and fermentation) please let us know.
In general, harvesting is “taking the best,” while gleaning is “taking the rest,” but if you have no harvesting plans and would like us to come earlier, we would be delighted.
Also, we are happy for new members to join our group - if you have gleaning tools, preservation equipment and/or talent, please join us!
Gleaning and preserving is a fun and productive way to take advantage of what nature provides freely while working towards a sustainable future through community resilience and
self-reliance. Gleaning also helps decrease the “mess” of fallen fruit at the end of the season while improving the health of the trees.
Please email bhamglean@gmail.com including (but not limited to)
the following information:
For each fruit tree –
Location and type:
Approx. harvesting/gleaning times (when you would like us to come):
Approx. yield / estimated ideal number of gleaners for the job:
Your Contact info –
How and when would you like to be contacted
to confirm a gleaning day?
(Phone / email / knock on the door / just show up and pick the fruit)
You can also find The Bellingham Gleaning Network on Facebook.
Thanks so much for your time and contribution to this community project. Happy summer!