Transition Whatcom

Welcome any New Members to our local network:  

"Earth Gardens: Edible-Medicinal-Wild Habitats"!


- Open-mindedness: listen to and respect all points of view
- Acceptance: suspend judgment as best you can
- Curiosity: seek to understand rather than persuade
- Discovery: question old assumptions, look for new insights
- Sincerity: speak for yourself about what has personal heart meaning 

- Respect for all living beings and doing no intentional harm in written word or action.

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Most recent Events & comments are posted at bottom of  page, on the last page.

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Other TW groups that share knowledge online:

Seed-Savers: Preserving Our Ecological Heritage;

Small Scale Grain & Beans –Grow, Process, & Save:

Gaia's Guardians (volunteers):

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* Our network has over 180 members. 

To be added to our private email list for communications beynd this public online network, please share your email address with Heather K and ask to be added to the local Earth Care Network. Leave your email with Heather K at: 
Since before 2009, there have been various grassroot-community events on seed-saving, soil-building, u-bar fork building, rain-barrel-workshops, permaculture classes, small-scale seed-saving, and more!


More discussion topics are under the Earth Garden  'Discussion' section..  (You'll need to click the 'View All" button to see all the discussion catagories.)


New Members: Helpful Informtion Below:: . . . . . . .(8/2010) from front page text

You are invited to be a community volunteer at our many gardening
work-groups & work-parties.

This group was created by Heather K who shares monitoring & admin tasks with friends. (If you are available to help let her know on her TW page)
(Created Aug 09 and first name was: "Organic Gardeners/Growers & Edible-Forest-Gardens & Permaculture")

To follow our group comments, sign on to TW and click the 'Follow' button.
To follow ongoing discussions on within this group, go to that specific discussion and click the “Follow” button.

Other locations to promote events:

* NW Farms and Food – sends out an email-

* Laura R has a Whatcom Farmer listserve you can request to be connect to.

* NW Grow comes out monthly in paper format

In the past, we had a Online GardenShare Network Now Established! (thanks to Chris E & friends)
Whatcom County:
 Some folks used these links to create your garden profile offer, or to create your gardener profile.

To reduce emails coming in from this group, just scroll down and click on the "Stop Following" button.
To restart emails, click "Follow"

Read local wisdom on blogs from your TW neighbors.
(I recommend you start with blogs from David Pike, Celt Schira, Walter Haugen, & Heather K )
To receive a notice of when they post a new blog, go to the bloggers page,
click on their blog list, and click to receive email notices.
Links to some past blog on this discussion page at:


We are appling Permaculture Pathways & good neighbor principles:


Volunteers for Center for Local Self-Reliance creating demo-garden-see Jean Kroll's page.
Volunteers for local school garden work-days & Common Thread Farm -see Laura Platt's page.

 (Let Heather K know if we should mention here another group or person doing great work & needing more volunteers!)



("Organic Gardeners/Growers & Edible-Forest-Gardens & Permaculture"  was our original group name when created Aug 2009 by Heather K & friends)

  Original Discussion title:

 "Sharing Events & Workshop on Gardening & Farming & Fruit Growing"




Views: 176

Replies to This Discussion

Requests for Shannon's Garden E-News can be made by finding her under the Member page, and posting a comment on her page including your email.

Alys- Detailed web instructions: Click on 'Member'. Put 'Shannon Maris' name in the search box and click on the magnifying glass icon. Do not click on "Advanced Search".
Then cick on Shannon's name and her page will come up.
Scroll to bottom and leave her message in her comment box.
Your comment for a request for the Garden E-News will then be forwarded by the system to her personal email.
Remember to provide your email. Hope this helps!

Also, if you have an event you would like posted in her E-News you can provide her with the details and request that she add that into the next newsletter.

So far, using her E-New list is the best way us gardeners network about all the many local events....And Shannon does it all as a volunteer!

In the future if she gives an OK for her email to be posted under the "Sharing Events & Workshops on Gardening etc" on this discussion page in our "Organic Gardener,,,Permaculture Group" then I will add that in the script of the discussion.
School Garden Work Party next Saturday November 21st from 10am-1pm (2009)
Lets help our Children Grow in their School Gardens!
Location: Roosevelt Elementary School -At Back of School
Come help sheet mulch the large area that is to become Roosevelt Elementary School's Garden! We will also be building a fence composed of recycled fish netting. Bring gloves and a shovel and if you happen to have a pickup, that would be tremendously helpful!

Address: 2900 Yew St. . The walk-bicycle Railroad Trail goes past the school between Woburn & Barkley Village
(Vehicle access by Alabama St, turn north onto Yew St. and follow to the end & school lot.)
Event organized by Deanna Lloyd who is a "Garden Corps Educator" who works with the newly formed non-profit - Whatcom County School Garden Collective (WCSGC), that is linked to Common Thread Farm.
You can contact Deanna on our Transition Whatcom ning site.

Notes from Deanna's November post:
"We (WCSGC) have funding and were able to provide grants of resources and people power to six different schools in the county including Roosevelt, Columbia, Birchwood and Beach Elementary, Squalicum High and Lummi Nation School.
...We're looking for help at workparties (I'll post them under the events category), resources (tools, lumber, straw, plants, etc) as well as volunteer "experts" who can help with lessons, garden care over the summer, etc. All the gardens are in different stages, but if you're interested in helping out somehow, let me know! It's pretty quiet this time of the year, but come spring, action and growth will abound.

More info & discussion go to 'Growing Children In School Gardens - Forum' at look under the 'Forum' tab on the WT site.

To RSVP event go to:
- - - - - - - -

Below is a cut & paste from Nov 09 schools website:

""Roosevelt Garden
We have a garden growing at Roosevelt and we need your help! We have a list of needs and a work party date. If you can help with either, please contact Pat Bateman at 676-6470 x 5776
Work Party date-Sat. Nov. 21 10:00am-1:00 pm
Any amount of time you can work within those times would be appreciated!
Items or help needed:
Compost: (will need trucks to haul it) , Wood Chips, Straw, Manure,
Trucks for hauling compost/manure/building supplies (multiple vehicles would be good)
Tools on the work party day , Fencing posts , Old Fishing Nets , Concrete
A Shed! If anyone has construction knowledge or access to materials we need a shed to keep the gardening tools!
Gardening tools ""
Invitation to "Tea and Seed Saving at Celt's Garden" is offered for the next month
from Jan 4 to Feb 7th, from 2pm to 5 pm.

To RSVP or to phone Celt go to the event listing on our TransitionWhatcom ning site at:

Quote from her event page: "The season for seed saving is upon us. You are invited to come by for a cuppa and help break down the paper sacks of dried vegetation into neat packets of seeds. Time TBA, whatever works.
Several people have expressed an interest in picking my brains about small space intensive urban gardening, seed saving, home preservation, etc. My pleasure, let's keep our hands busy while we chat....
The end result of this effort will be seeds for various good causes and 45 garden kits: collections of seeds and starts designed for small spaces and container gardening. Some are already reserved for non-profits and gardeners with constrained resources. The rest are free to anyone, perhaps you, who would like to start a food garden. Help and donations cheerfully accepted...."

Go to Celt's Event page for more details including address & phone number.
Garden & Permaculture & Classes & Workshops for Early Spring 2010

Event Info under TW Events Tab, or try these links below:
(Please RSVP for the event on the Event tab, when you can )

Food Forests & Permaculture Plant Guilds - Feb 27th, 2010 (sliding scale fee $30 - $60)

Broad Fork Building Workshop at Inspiration Farm-
$145 includes the take home foot/hand cultivation tool. Feb 27, 2010

U-Bar or Broad-forks are one of the best hand tools to have! They are fun to use, protect the soil life & tilth, and replace any harmful industrial methods like plowing or rototilling. I would say this is one of my top ten favorite tools!
********** *******
A Fruitful Grafting Gathering was successful this Saturday Feb 20, 2010 at Inspiration Farm
(We have a source of Akane apple scions available, that Don forgot to bring this year.)

Contact the whatcom extension service to find out the date of their annual fruit-tree grafting workshop too!
**** **** **** ****

Rain Barrel Construction: harvesting and storing your rain water
- (Great for drinking or watering edibles!)
- March 2, 6-8pm sponsored by the RE Store (Cost $ for materials)
Info on their website - Sign up there to received their newsletter which will include their events

*** **** **** **** ***
Basic Vegi Gardening class & Seed Starting class by Chuck McClung! FREE CLASSES
- March 6th, 2010 at Bakerview Nursery
Both classes by Chuck are recommended! :

Also check your Cloud Mountain Nursery catalogue or their website
for a list of their Free 2010 classes:
And learn about classes sponsored by our local
Center for Local Self Reliance ( CLSR)
by going to their website and requesting their newsletter
There are more workshops & classes I've missed and more to come!
Be sure to review Shannon's Garden E-News list for our most comprehensive list of garden news & events!
WA Fruit Research Foundation Field Day, March 6th, 2010 in Mt. Vernon.

The Western Washington Fruit Research Foundation is holding its Winter Field Day on March 6th, 2010. The event will feature lectures on the "slender spindle" tree training method, grafting, vole control, and pruning fruit trees, blueberries and grapes. There will also be commercial vendors, scionwood and rootstock sales and grafting services. The event will be held at WSU NWREC at 16650 State Route 536, Mt. Vernon WA. For more information see

If you plan to attend, RSVP on the TW Events page and consider carpooling with others!


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