Transition Whatcom

We are looking for a working name for this information resource we are creating.  Those of us who have been discussing the EDAP want a name that catches the community's imaginations and pulls them in.  It will help in recruiting people to contribute to it.  So instead of Energy Descent Action Plan (EDAP), what can we use?  Maybe something with an acronym that has marketing potential.


To get your creative juices going here are a couple of ideas:

Whatcom RAP (Resiliency Action Plan or Pathway) otherwise known as WRAP


Whatcom CURVE (Community-led Urban/Rural Visioning Experience) OR Whatcom CuRVe (Cooperative Re-Visioning)


Please, please give us your suggestions!  I know you can come up with something better than my lame suggestions.  Read Tris Shirley's discussion titled "Action Plan Purposes/Objectives" for more information on what we are planning to help you with ideas.

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Replies to This Discussion

Thanks for starting  the discussion Linda.

Even though we're only talking about a working title, I've been concerned about the word "plan" from the start. And I've read similar concerns from other people about other documents.  The Encarta definition for the noun is: "Plan -  System for achieving an objective;  a method of doing something that is worked out in advance."  I don't think we can end up with sometihing that describes steps 1, 2, 3, ... n that lead us to County-wide resilience.  Even if we could, I'm not sure that is the way social change happens.

I'd settle for almost anything other than Plan, but propose "Guide" as a possible substitute.  A guide is "somebody who leads and assists others ... toward a destination. Or as a publication, a guide is simply a" source of information".  To me, this word emphasizes the practical nature of what we want to offer.

So how about: Resilience Action Guide or Whatcom Resilience Action Guide?  It has a pronouncable acronym that is good enough for a working title.  We can come up with something really snazzy later, if necessary.

I REALLY like Whatcom RAP, using either "Plan" or "Pathway." Either one would be excellent, in my view.

"Guide" is weaker. Let's be bold. I also don't like the idea of "rag" as our acronym. A rag is something to wipe the floor with.

I shared this with Linda yesterday: Actions for Resilient Communities. ARC

Ooo, I like ARC too, very nice.

I also like ARC a lot! Like Noah's Arc, this document could help save earth's creatures from the effects of peak oil / climate change / economic instability. And the fact that parts of the world will be flooding due to climate change is also fitting.



Yes! Metaphors are important; I have just been studying this. Whatever acronym we choose will inevitably constellate images in people's minds. ARC associates with of the arc of a rainbow as well, a symbol of hope.

Brilliant JC!  Actions for Resilient Communities!  ARC!

Hope to see you all at next session, next Mon May 2nd -

A couple of people have commented by email that the acronym ARC is already in use by a local non-profit.  I believe they are concerned that our use of ARC will lead to some confusion. Although guilty of replying to the email, I think it is better to continue the discussion here.

I do like the name Actions for Resilient Communities.  And if the problem is the initials, why don't we just officially call it Transition Whatcom Actions for Resilient Communities or TWARC.

Of course it could be Actions for a Resilient Future or ARF, but perhaps I'm barking up the wrong tree.

I'm also open to sticking with ARC, or just about anything else that isn't EDAP.  My main interest is to get a working title that is good enough for the next few months and move ahead with the rest of the project.

My opinion is that Transition ARC would work.  I know it's just a working name but it could take on a life of its own so we need to select something we can live with for a while.
I like Transition ARC.


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