I tried to respond to the following that David posted as an event, but apparently since it is over, there is no opportunity to respond. David said it was a reposting on a different forum, but after searching in vain, I decided to copy past it into a new discussion.
This is what David wrote, including web links:
The Task Force presented it's report at the December 7, 2009 Bellingham City Council meeting. The Council showed interest and had a very positive response to the report and the effort that went into creating it. As Tom Anderson said, "There will need to be careful follow up. It has good potential for the future."
The Bellingham Herald covered the report here:
"BELLINGHAM - After a task force's 18 months of work and more than 100 meetings, City Council members heard how limited energy resources globally could have an impact locally.
Members of the Bellingham/Whatcom County Energy Resources Scarcity/Peak Oil Taskforce recommended tying their work to how the county manages emergencies, especially if there is a shortage of oil and other energy resources, as well as things that need fuel to get here, like food.
No recommendations were approved or adopted by the council Monday night, Dec. 7, after the presentation. Instead, Councilman Jack Weiss, who worked toward initiating the task force's assignment, will work with the group to bring a resolution back to the council for approval...."
Video of the Task Force presentation to City Council can be viewed online (fast forward to 112:55 for the ERSPO presentation).
Energy Task Force Web Page:
Download the Energy Task Force Final Report: