Transition Whatcom

Transition Whatcom Seeks Members Who Want to Lead Its Next Steps

Now that Transition Whatcom has adopted a new structure (see discussion here), we invite TW members who are interested in becoming part of the Organizational Core Group.

The purpose of the Core Group is to support Transition work being done in our communities, plan for and coordinate this effort, and inspire transition work to continue and spread rhyzomatically!

The Core Group's job (not all inclusive) is to:

1.    To serve the Vision and Mission of Transition Whatcom
2.    to keep the focus of transition work on the Vision and Mission
3.    attend the TW Council meetings
4.    create strategy and shared governance with the Council
5.    speaking engagements
6.    be liaisons with Transition US and other TIs
7.    create a mentorship process for revolving leadership of the Core Group
8.    set the Council meeting annual schedule
9.    manage the Council agenda
10.    provide leadership of TW
11.    *awareness raising in Whatcom County – movie showing, speaking engagements, etc
12.    *fundraising and management of existing funds
13.    *supporting new TIs – for events, website management and changes, volunteer coordinating
14.    *support for all TW members and initiatives, administrative and otherwise

For more information on the Core Group, please read the TWIG to TWOG Description document, and to begin preparation for participation, please review other Transition related documents on our TI Resources page.

If you’d like to apply to become a TWOG member, send an email indicating your interest before July 15 to David Marshak at:

On July 15 we will send you details of the application process and the criteria by which TWOG members will be selected. Applications will be due by July 28, and selections will be announced on August 6. Soon after that date the TWOG will come to life!

More Detail on the Process of Applying for the Core Group

1.    The team for choosing the Core Group will be made up of the following:
a.    Ex-TWIG members that are not interested in being part of the Core Group and are willing to help with this process –  About 3 or 4 needed?
b.    An equal number of TW members from the TWIG to TWOG group that are not interested in being part of the Core Group and are willing
c.    Perhaps use similar guidelines for choosing that the TWIG used when looking for people?

2.    Applicants will have 2 weeks to report of their interest in applying {July 1 – 14}
a.    Meanwhile the TWIG to TWOG Core Group team will work on creating the criteria and process details

3.    Applicants  will be notified of the application process and criteria and have 2 weeks to turn in their application {July 14 – 28}

4.    Applicants will be decided on within 1 week {July 29 – Aug 5}

5.    Training For Transition (T4T) is being offered locally Aug 21 and 22; other opportunities may be available in BC or other location or here again in the near future

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TWIG to TWOG Selection Committee
Meeting Minutes 7-7-10
Facilitated by David Marshak, Notes taken by David MacLeod
Present: David Marshak, David MacLeod, Virginia Malmquist, Adam Ward, Rick Dubrow
Absent: Brian Carpenter

As of 7-7-10, 4 people have indicated their desire to be considered for the new Core Group.

To clarify definitions, it was decided that the meaning of TWOG (Transition Whatcom Operating Group) is the new Core Group that will be selected. TWOG does not refer to the entire organizational structure or leadership that will include the Council, the TW Hub, etc. Therefore this selection group is selecting the new TWOG, which will replace the TWIG (Transition Whatcom Initiating Group).

Criteria for TWOG
Things previously mentioned which are ideals we will strive for: number of 8, balance of men/women, old/young, and urban/rural.

We reviewed the Criteria asked for by Transition US for an Initiating Group. The Transition Whatcom application for official Transition Initiative status was emailed to the Selection Committee. Relevant criteria in this document includes: a) an understanding of peak oil and climate change as primary drivers, b) at least 2 people from the team willing to attend a two day Transition Training course, c) a potentially strong connection to the local/district council, d) an understanding of peak oil, climate change and the 12 steps of Transition, e) a commitment to ask for help from the Transition Network and other Transitioning communities if/when needed, f) a commitment to give a presentation to at least two other communities and to work cooperatively with other Transition Initiatives, g) minimal conflicts of interests in the core team, h) a commitment to strive for inclusivity across your entire initiative, i) one person (preferably more) on the core team should have attended a permaculture design really does seem to make a difference.

7 Criteria were agreed to by the TWIG to TWOG Selection Committee:

1) Dedication to TWOG and its responsibilities (upholding the Vision and Mission of Transition Whatcom).
2) Knowledge and understanding of the Transition Movement and its model (The 12 Steps of Transition / Transition Principles and Guidelines, etc.).
3) Past Experience with Steering Committees using Group Leadership Process.
4) Understanding and acknowledgement of Peak Oil, Climate Change, and Economic Instability as key drivers for the Transition movement.
5) A willingness to ask for help when help is needed.
6) Enough time availability to effectively contribute to TWOG work.
7) Skills in working collaboratively.

2 "Deal Breakers": 1) Applicants must be willing to read The Transition Handbook and The Transition Primer. 2) Apllicants must reside in Whatcom County.
Other things we would like to see, but not deal breakers: Willingness to attend T4T (2 day Training for Transition); some TWOGs who have completed or intend to complete a72 hour Permaculture Design Certification course; connections to local government officials and other persons of influence; prior TW membership/involvement; experience/skills with fundraising; public speaking skills.

Questions for TWOG Application
Why do you want to be a member of the TWOG? (no more than 1/2 page please)

Describe your experience with Transition Whatcom (please be brief - a bulleted list is fine).

Do you have any experience with Permaculture? If so, please describe briefly.

Are you willing to participate in the next available T4T? (Training for Transition, a 2 day workshop, currently scheduled for Aug. 21 and 22. Cost is $____. 8ea 50% scholarships will be offered, and possibly 2ea 100% scholarships if needed).

In 1/2 page or less, please describe one experience you've had as a member of a successful collaborative team and critique your own participation as a member of that team. Is there a member of one of these teams that will provide a reference for you? Please provide email and phone number if possible.

List what you see as the strengths and weaknesses you would bring to the TWOG.

List any particular areas of expertise you would bring to the TWOG.

Please rank your fundraising background according to these categories: Knowledge, Experience, and Passion.

While the TWOG will develop its own terms of duration of service, what do you see as the range of time you would be willing to serve?

Number of years you've lived in Whatcom County: ___________.

Between what years? ______________.

Is there anything else you think we should know?

Next meeting for TWIG to TWOG Selection Committee:
Wed. Aug 3rd, 7:00pm

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