Transition Whatcom

Here is the latest Transition US newsletter.  If you see something that inspires you to want to be involved with locally here with Transition Whatcom, please email twog at transitionwhatcom dot org. 

We're thrilled about the abundance of opportunities to take action. Please join us for the Community Resilience Challenge, Transition Streets national rollout, and more!

What's Happening in Transition... 

Community Resilience Challenge Coming Soon!
Now's the time to prepare for the month-long Challengehappening this May! For inspiration, ideas, and support, join one of our upcoming organizer calls on 3/19(5:30pmPST) or 3/25 (11amPST).

The Transition Streets national rolloutwill coincide with this year’s Challenge.Learn more or register to bring Transition Streets to your community.

Welcoming Our Newest Board Member
As a Professor of Public Health and nurse-activist, Dr. Barbara Sattler brings a fierce commitment to keeping our communities and environment healthy. Read more…

Book Club: Living Room Revolution
Here’s a unique opportunity to join author Cecile Andrews and fellow Transitioners in an intimate 4-week book club by phone. Read more…

Like Transition US Newsletter - Abundant Opportunities for Action! on Facebook  share on Twitter

  Stories from the Movement

March for Real Climate Leadership

Earlier this month, more than 5,000 people gathered in Oakland, CA to demand real climate leadership, including Transition US staff, board, and members of local Transition Initiatives in Palo Alto, Silicon Valley, Berkeley, Albany, and Sebastopol. Read more...

The Power To Convene
This month's theme at Transition Culture is all about the convening power of Transition. Read or listen to Rob Hopkins' interview with Pamela Boyce Simms of the Mid-Atlantic Transition Hub about the power of convening faith groups.

Transition Saugerties Long Spoon CollectiveTransitioners in New York are "rapidly working their way off the grid" through inter-generational land-sharing, intensive local food production, and building low-impact housing with reclaimed materials.

Interested in starting an Initiative? Browse the initiatives map and learn more about becoming an Official Transition Initiative!


Webinars & Online Events

How Jamaica Plain is Building Working-Class Leadership in the New Economy
Tuesday, March 3
11:00am Pacific

How can potential leaders from underprivileged backgrounds tackle economic inequality and climate change when they spend most of their time trying to earn a decent living?

Learn from community organizer Carlos Espinoza-Toro about Jamaica Plain New Economy Transition’s successful fellowship program.

Self Leadership: Practices for Hosting Yourself and Growing Personal and Community Resilience
Tuesday, March 24
11:00am Pacific

The typical human response to uncertainty, complexity, and vulnerability in our lives is often FEAR and stress/anxiety.

Join Art of Hosting Trainer Teresa Posakony to learn and share practices to stay present, creative, engaged, centered, brilliant and talking during these times.

Working With Core Teams 
Wednesday, April 8
11:00am Pacific

How do we build structures to steward engagement and create spaces for strategic and inclusive work without the "tyranny of inclusion" stopping us from moving?

Join Art of Hosting Trainer Chris Corrigan to learn about principles and structures for planning inviting and working with core teams who oversee and host larger engagement projects.


Regional Happenings

Teleseminar: Meet the Transition Towns and Cities of the Mid-Atlantic Region

Thursday, February 26
7:00pm EST/4:00pm PST

Join us for the second session in the 2015 Mid-Atlantic Transition Hub Teleseminar series.

*For a taste of what will be covered in the Teleseminar, read the inspiring story ofTransition Saugteries NY's Long Spoon Collective Working Group.


New England Regional Transition & Resilience Gathering
Saturday, March 21
10am - 4pmEST
Home Healthcare Hospice & Community Services Conference Rm
312 Marlboro St, Keene, NH

Join groups and individuals from around New England in Keene, NH to share stories, lessons, and inspiration. It’s becoming a proud New England tradition to hold these gatherings to support our local work creating equitable and sustainable communities. Read more about previous gatherings here.



Let's mobilize of thousands of new residents, create innumerable sustainability actions provide the community networks and cross-sector collaborations needed to Transition our towns and cities across the US.

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Transition US is a nonprofit organization that provides inspiration, encouragement, support, networking, and training for Transition Initiatives across the United States. We are working in close partnership with the Transition Network, a UK based organization that supports the international Transition Movement as a whole.

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