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The "Launch" of Rob Hopkins' new book: The Power of Just Doing Stuff

Rob Hopkins writes, "Today is the day of the publication of The Power of Just Doing Stuff.  I’d like to mark this historic occasion by presenting you with this short video of the recent poignant and moving launch event we recently held with the Mayor of Totnes to welcome the book into the world."

This short video is hilarious, trust me. As is written on the web page about the book, "We are really hoping that you will be able to help us to get it out into the world with a splash." Looks like we can check that one off the list!

About the book:

The Power of Just Doing Stuff: How Local Action Can Change the World

“Something is stirring. People around the world are deciding that the well-being of their local community and its economy lies with them. They’re people like you.They’ve had enough, and, rather than waiting for permission, they’re rolling up their sleeves, getting together with friends and neighbours, and doing something about it. Whether they start small or big, they’re finding that just doing stuff can transform their neighbourhoods and their lives. 

The Power of Just Doing Stuff argues that this shift represents the seeds of a new economy – the answer to our desperate search for a new way forward – and at its heart is people deciding that change starts with them. Communities worldwide are already modelling a more local economy rooted in place, in well-being, in entrepreneurship and in creativity. And it works”.

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That is pretty funny! Got to watch this one. Rob and the mayor of Totnes attempt to literally launch the book by putting it into a pumpkin shell and floating it down the river. Like most things we just do, it takes a few tries to get the hang of it.

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