Transition Whatcom

A reminder here that Starhawk, Bill Aal, and Dana Lyons will be at  Presence Studlo Friday night, 6:30 to 9:00pm. Tickets will be sold at the door on a sliding scale of $10-$25.

Transition Whatcom is pleased to be sponsoring this event, along with Sustainable Bellingham and RE Sources for Sustainable Communities.  Proceeds from the evening will benefit Starhawk's Earth Activist Training organization and Transition Whatcom.

The title given for the evening is "In It for the Long Haul: Social Permaculture and Transition." The evening will be an interactive event exploring how we can sustain our selves, our relationships, community
and the places we live for the long haul. Music will be provided by special guest Dana Lyons, and Seattle's Bill Aal will be co-presenting with Starhawk.

Cascadia Weekly has a nice blurb about the evening in this week's paper:

"SHE’S ALREADY been to the apocalypse and back in her book of fiction, The Fifth Sacred Thing, but author, anarchist activist and self-described witch Starhawk isn’t giving up on the world just yet. Since writing her 1993 bestseller—which told the futuristic story of what happened after a 2048 catastrophe divided the United States into several nations and saw San Franciscans evolve into a sustainable economy that used wind power and focused on local agriculture— Starhawk has become one of the foremost voices in the world of eco-feminism. But she’s not just writing about the world’s woes—she’s working hard to fix its many problems. When Starhawk joins forces with environmental justice worker William Aal July 9 at Presence Studio, it’ll be with a clear directive. “In It for the Long Haul: Social Permaculture and Transition” will be the focus of the evening talk, but it’s likely conversations on a number of related topics will be up for discussion. Bring an open mind, bring a friend and bring along your dog-eared copy of The Fifth Sacred Thing, as Starwhawk will likely be glad to sign it."

Transition Whatcom does not promote anarchy, and we have no particular religious or spiritual affiliations.  However, in the Transition Training curriculum, discussing the importance of positive visioning, it is noted how our culture tends to promote a lot of both doomsday scenarios, and a lot of techno-utopia scenarios, but rarely do we see in popular culture stories of a healthy and happy, yet low tech future.  One of the few exceptions pointed to in the training I attended, is The Fifth Sacred Thing, by Starhawk, as an example of positive kind of fiction our culture could use a lot more of. Bill Aal took the Training For Transition (T4T) in Portland the same time I did, and then went on to become a Transition Trainer. The Transition model is based on a social application of Permaculture, so the evening's emphasis should be very applicable to what we are trying to do here in Whatcom County.

Friday, July 9th, 6:30 - 9:00 pm at Presence Studio, 1412 Cornwall Ave. Bellingham (up the stairs above Bellingham Bar and Grill).
Admission: $10-$25 sliding scale, as a fundraiser for Earth Activist
Training, and Transition Whatcom.

Other Events News

1. The Permaculture Classes scheduled for July 10th and 11th have been postponed.  Watch for future announcement of a rescheduling. 

2. TW is tabling at the Co-op Party on July 24th.  Email me ( if you're available to help man the table. 

3. James Howard Kunstler, author of The Long Emergency, and World Made By Hand is coming to Village Books on Oct. 23rd., and TW is co-sponsoring. Mark your calendars!

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It was a good event last night! Close to 100 folks showed up and saw a good presentation by Bill Aal on Transition as applied social permaculture, and Starhawk gave a slideshow showing places in the world that are embodying some of the changes discussed in her book The Fifth Sacred Thing.

The evening ended with a powerful and uplifting Spiral Dance!

Starhawk and Aal are in the area teaching a Permaculture course at The River Farm, and it was announced that
two evening events of the course are open to the public:

- Sunday, July 11th at 7:30 pm New Moon Ritual with the world famous Starhawk, followed by an African drum and dance circle afterwards.

- Tuesday July 13 at 7:30 pm Magical and spiritual activism with Velcrow Ripper (film maker of Scared Sacred and Fierce Light) Check out the website:

Carpooling is encouraged. Please use the RSVP function and the Comments section on our Events pages to locate and communicate with other carpool candidates: New Moon Ritual and Velcrow Ripper.


3231 Hillside Road
Deming, WA 98244

(Plan for a 45 minute trip so you can stop at Everybody's Store in Van Zandt for 10 minutes! You can get an ice cream or just browse for a minute - it is so colorful, local, and fun to see!)

Go east towards Mt. Baker (Hwy 542)
Through Deming
Take a right on highway 9 going South to Acme/Sedro Wooley
Go about another 5 minutes until you see the Everybody's Store on your right.
Take a right at the Everybody's store (you will be in Van Zandt), heading west (Potter Road)
Follow Potter road west, it will turn into Hillside Road, follow until the end, where it becomes a dirt road.
River Farm is almost at the end of the dirt road, there is a sign at the bridge, take a right to go over the bridge.
Take an immediate left (you are now on the River Farm)
Keep bearing left, following the signs, so you can park down by the greenhouse.
Walk to the festival site, aka "Turtle Island" (about 2 minutes walk)
If walking is a problem, you can drive onto Turtle Island and drop off people on the site.

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