Transition Whatcom


Our Favorite Ecological Restoration Resource List

(Books & Links), with focus on mycoremediation.


Paul Stamets on TED talk: 6 ways mushrooms can save the world

Bioremediation - Terry Hazen, Ph.D Microbial Ecology. Lecture posted by Berkley Lab Ytube 2008


Fungi Perfecti (company founded by Paul Stamets)

PO Box 7634 * Olympia, WA 98507 * USA
Phone: (800) 780 9126 / (360) 426 9292
Fax: (360) 426 9377


ECO-RESTORATION RELATED BOOKS: (Let us know if the library carries a book)


Basic book: Mycelium Running- How Mushrooms Can Help Save the World - Paul Stamets- (library has a copy!) (especially read Part II on Mycorestorations)


Mycoremediation: Fungal Bioremediation - Harbhajan Singh

Fungi in Bioremediation - edited Geoff M. Gadd

Fungi in Forest Ecosystems - Cathy L. Cripps

Fungi in Biogeochemical Cycles - Edited by Geoffrey Michael Gadd (British resource)



Growing Gourmet & Medicinal Mushrooms - Paul Stamets

The Mushroom Cultivator - Paul Stamets & J.S. Chilton



Paul Stamets company:

800 780-9126

This is a very fungi-geek oriented Resource Discussion but there are some great videos and one basic book for newbees listed above!


"Geomicrobial activities play a role in (1) mineral formation, (2) mineral degradation, (3) the cycling of organic and inorganic matter, (4) chemical and isotopic fractionation and (5) fossil-fuel genesis and degradation. Microbial mineral degradation includes phenomena such as weathering, bioleaching, and soil and sediment formation and transformation (diagenesis). Microbes contribute, to varying extents, to the genesis and degradation of fossil fuels, including methane, peat, coal and petroleum. Some geomicrobial activities can be commercially exploited in processes such as metal extraction from ores, biogas genesis, commercial tertiary petroleum recovery and environmental bioremediation."   endquote from intro of excerpt of book:

Fungi in Biogeochemical Cycles- Edited by Geoffrey Michael Gadd (British resource)


To follow more advanced discussion on the Mycological group, try here:

and thanks to JC for some of the resources shared and for starting up a local Mycologcial Response Team.


 *    *    *    *Transition Whatcom discussions & blog crossposts *   *   *   *


Healing Toxic Soils & Waters: Mycoremediation, Compost & Teas, Fungal Bioremediation)


 *    *    *   *   *   Web links related to Compost & Toxic Contamination Issues *   *   *  *

                        (though not necessarily useful to a good farmer or gardener.)

RE: Use of Compost on Organic Farms

WA Depart Ag online unsigned letter Aug 30,2010

The Allowence of Green Waste in the Organic Production Systems NOP 5016 (4/19/10)


MORE ONLINE RESOURCES: (from my discussion on Fungi Remediation group):

Field Demonstrations of Mycoremediation for Removal of Fecal Coliform Bacteria and Nutrients in the Dungeness Watershed, Washington (thanks to Sabrina )

Degrading Pesticide DDT in soils with Oyster Mushroom substrates: (thanks to Alex W)


Views: 214

Replies to This Discussion

Web links related to Compost & Toxic Contamination Issues
(though not necessarily useful to a good farmer or gardener.)

RE: Use of Compost on Organic Farms – WA Depart Ag online letter Aug 30,2010
Note- No signiture on this most recent letter from Olympia -

The Allowence of Green Waste in the Organic Production Systems NOP 5016 (4/19/10)

Persons who currently hold positions in Olympia:
Brenda Book Certification Manager (360) 902 2090
Marty Beagle Program Manager (360) 902 1924

Postion held in WashDC
April 2010 – Deputy Administrator of NOP - Miles V. McEvoy


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