Transition Whatcom

*Note from your web administrator: I've been asked to close this "Early Discussions of the Skillshare Faire", and redirect folks to the "Updated Whatcom Skillshare Faire (and Barter)" discussion. Please go there for current discussion, and check out the official website ( ). - David M. 8/17/12)


People have been talking with me, Tom Anderson, about wanting Transition Whatcom to have a Re-Skilling Fair.  I think it is a great idea and am willing to put some energy into helping organize such an event.  I could see an even this fall where lots of people and groups set up booths and displays to share their skills and ideas for how we can make our individual lives more resilient.  It could be a great big party where we get to learn new things, find out what is happening in our community with ways to learn new skills, find specific opportunities to learn skills we are interested in and just plain have a great time celebrating life in Whatcom County.

I am really excited by the possibilities.  I also am real clear that although I can help organize such and event I would need lots of help.  My request in the moment is that if you are interested in this event taking shape that you respond to this discussion with ideas for it.  Things that could be included, where we could hold it, groups that could get excited about it and other ideas that come to your mind when you think about a fun fantastic opportunity for RE-SKILLING your life.  

Also if you have some energy and passion to help organize it let me know, we will hold a meeting in early February to get organized!!  

Tom Anderson 

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Next meeting this Thursday at 6:30pm at my place, 2339 West Street in Columbia neighborhood (1 block east of Eldridge, blue house on the left).  If anyone wants to reach me beforehand, they can contact me at kateclark101 at hotmail dot com, or 305-9644.


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