Transition Whatcom

Happy Anniversary Transition Whatcom!

It was one year ago in February 2009 that Transition US opened its doors (see the latest Transition US Newsletter here), and it was one year ago today that Transition Whatcom became an official Transition Initiative (the 17th in the U.S.).

The founders of TW (Kate Clark, Rick Dubrow, Cindi Landreth, and myself) began meeting in December 2008, and the Initiating Group was born in January 2009 (the aforementioned, plus Tom Anderson, David Marshak, Sandy Hoelterhoff and eventually Chris Wolf). Our social networking website came online on January 13th.

On February 28, 2009, Transition US founder Jennifer Gray sent us the following email: "Congratulations! I finally got the UK to put your details on their website, so you are now officially “official!” You are the 17th officially recognized Transition Initiative in the United States! Thank you for joining with us to strengthen Transition in the US."

So we've been official for just a year, and already we have a lively and active group, with 413 members on this networking website, and another 75 on an email distribution list. As far as we know, we'll be only the 2nd Initiative in the U.S. to host a formal "Great Unleashing," coming up April 10th and 11th.

I'll just say it's been an honor to be a part of this organization, and to be around all you wonderful folks!

Resources on our Website

This is a good time to remind that you can find out lots more about our Transition Initiative on the "About Us" pages of our website (  From that category page you can download the "Purposes, Principles, and Guidelines" document  and read sub pages on "Who We Are," "Transition Whatcom Vision and Mission," "What is a Transition Initiative?," "Who Is Organizing This (or What is the TWIG)," "Transition Whatcom Guideline Paper on Positive Visioning and Inclusion/Openness," "The Cheeful Disclaimer," and how to "Contact Us."

What's New?

Check out all the cool videos on our site ( I just uploaded 2 videos featuring Jan Spencer, a presenter we're bringing to town Friday March 5th. One video outlines the presentation he'll share on Friday, and the other is a "Peak Moment" episode that visit's Jan's Suburban Permaculture homestead, which is way cool.

Also very inspiring is an article Jan Spencer co-wrote a year ago, and which was adapted by TW's Kate Clark for Transition Whatcom and Whatcom County - a positive and hopeful Letter from the Future! I posted it on the Forum here:

Events This Week

Thursday March 4th: The Value of Urban Forests: Faisal Moola
David Suzuki Foundation and Responsible Development, Transition Whatcom and others invite you to a talk by the Science Director of the David Suzuki Foundation on the value of preserving urban forests. He is in the forefront of current research on "natural capital" the hidden economic value of natural areas. It is a free event please join us at the Whatcom County Council Chambers March 4th at 7:30 PM.
Event listing:

Friday March 5th: Global Trends - Local Choices: Jan Spencer
RE Sources' Sustainable Living Center,
2309 Meridian Street, Bellingham

I am excited to bring Jan Spencer back to Bellingham. Sustainable Bellingham hosted him in 2007, and we really enjoyed our time with him. Come hear Jan discuss creative, uplifting and peaceful ways to take care of human needs that the planet can sustain over the long term.

"Global Trends" refers to climate change, resource depletion, social disequity, the environment in steep decline and destabilizing global relations. This presentation will highlight the choices available to us in a rapidly changing world. DVDs will also be for sale.

Presentation will be hosted by Transition Whatcom and is  co-sponsored by Sustainable Bellingham and RE Sources.

See our event listing here:
For more information about Jan Spencer, visit his web site (

Best Regards,
David MacLeod

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Awsome community work & visioning David & all!

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