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Larry Korn on Masanobu Fukuoka: The One Straw Revolutionary

We are fortunate to have Larry Korn back in Bellingham on Tuesday, April 5th at Village Books at 7:00pm (see event listing here), to discuss his new book on the philosophy and work of Masanobu Fukuoka .

Earlier in the day, Join Special Guest Larry Korn and friends for an  insightful afternoon tour of Inspiration Farm's perennial and natural systems, including grains, annuals and orchards. More info here

Larry is a soil scientist and permaculture designer who lived for a time on the farm of Masanobu Fukuoka in Japan, and who translated and edited Mr. Fukuoka’s landmark book, The One-Straw Revolution., which has been described as "a manifesto on his approach to no-till agriculture that requires no machinery, no chemicals, no prepared compost, and very little weeding or pruning."

To learn more about Larry Korn, read the interview David Pike held with Larry here in Bellingham in 2010.

Larry's new book, which he'll be discussing Tuesday evening, is entitled "The One Straw Revolutionary: The Philosophy and Work of Masanobu Fukuoka."  Learn more about the book from the publisher Chelsea Green.  Here is an excerpt:

"In One-Straw Revolutionary, Korn distills his experience of more than thirty-five years of study with Mr. Fukuoka, and explains how natural farming can be used practically in areas other than agriculture, including personal growth and development, and for leading a richer and more fulfilling life.

Korn also discusses natural farming’s kinship with the ways of Indigenous cultures and traditional Japanese farming. At the same time, he clearly distinguishes natural farming from other forms of agriculture, including scientific and organic agriculture, and permaculture.

One-Straw Revolutionary offers readers a rare insight into natural farming and what Mr. Fukuoka was like as a person. It explains how simple farming naturally actually is and why it offers our only real hope for reestablishing a wholesome relationship with the Earth."

“Larry Korn shines a light on the path that Fukuoka discovered integrating indigenous agriculture with a deep reverence for the land and natural processes. Many revolutions of the sun later, it is clear that the continued illumination of this path is necessary to bring about a stewardship culture of soil, plant, animal, and human. We are fortunate to have a torch bearer in Korn who embodies the words of Taoist sage, Lao T’zu, ‘what you do is what you are.’”--Don Tipping, founder of Seven Seeds Farm and Siskiyou Seeds

“This mind-opening book will provide the proper contextual knowledge and understanding on how nature works for any practitioner involved in farming, ranching, ecosystem restoration, or natural-resource management.”--Ray Archuleta, conservation agronomist, Natural Resources Conservation Service

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Larry Korn is on his way! Looking forward to many of us joining him for his talks this Tuesday!

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