Transition Whatcom

I am starting an organic gardening club in my neighborhood

I have decided to put my springtime gardening fever to good use for the Transition movement. Noticing other raised beds popping up all over my neighborhood (Franklin Park area), I have started chatting with these neighbors, giving them vegetable seeds and gardening tips. Recently I decided to form a loose gardning network or club in my neighborhood-- so that we can share tools instead of each having to own one, share seeds because there are always too many in a packet, teach and learn from each other, meet other nice people, lend a helping hand for projects, and generally make growing food even more fun! I made a flier (attached) about this idea, and stuck one to the front door of every house in my neighborhood-- calling all potential gardeners-- inviting them to a potluck Sat Apr 18 at 5:00 pm, and inviting them to give me their email so we can send out "requests" and "resources" to each other. The reason I am sharing this with y'all on this forum is to encourage you-- if you have a skill or a passion for something, spread it around to your neighbors! Teach them to sew or knit, use rain barrels, make candles, insulate houses, compost... anything. This is how we will all re-skill ourselves and our communities. Post what you are doing on this site so we can all be inspired!

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This is a great idea - it's great to see people taking initiative like this. Transition isn't about being told what to do or waiting for someone else to start something, it's more about inspiring each other to put our "collective genius" into action. Please let us know of your progress - have you gotten any positive or negative responses from your neighbors yet?

I totally agree with the last line in your post: "The reason I am sharing this with y'all on this forum is to encourage you-- if you have a skill or a passion for something, spread it around to your neighbors! Teach them to sew or knit, use rain barrels, make candles, insulate houses, compost... anything. This is how we will all re-skill ourselves and our communities. Post what you are doing on this site so we can all be inspired!"
Our food-growing group was planted last weekend in very fertile soil! Over 20 people showed up to the potluck at my house, from beginners to experienced gardeners, toddlers to baby boomers, all kinds of people. We shared food (much of which we grew ourselves) and got to know each other and our gardening desires. We started a "group" through this website so we can post our needs ("Can anyone lend me a wheelbarrow?") and resources ("I have lots of extra lettuce, carrot, and kale seeds.") Never in my life have I known so many of my neighbors, or been so excited to live in a neighborhood, as I do now. When oil runs out and our culture has to change, these are people I want to be hanging out with!
I love this idea...anyone out there in the Lake Padden area up for a gardening club?
Chris Wolf said:
Our food-growing group was planted last weekend in very fertile soil! Over 20 people showed up to the potluck at my house, from beginners to experienced gardeners, toddlers to baby boomers, all kinds of people...

This is great!! We've had quite a few people from the York neighborhood joing this website in the last few days. Welcome to you all!

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