Transition Whatcom

This website was born January 13, 2009, so we're now a year old! It's been great to watch our membership grow over the past year, and see the many ways you all are interacting with one another. We have so many thoughtful, knowledgeable, and committed members - you are the ones that have made this website so successful and why it is continuing to draw new members. As of today, we have 357 members! There's nothing like getting together in person, but I think this type of "social networking website" is a powerful way to make connections and share info with like-minded people, and it can play an important role in building community.

I know this is not always the easiest website to navigate and use, and some of you have experienced frustrations with that.

If you have questions on how to use this site, please ask them here. Hopefully one of us will be able to provide a helpful answer. Feel free to share any tips or tricks you have learned as well.

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