Transition Whatcom

Gardening, Permaculture, Edible Forest Gardening, Mycorestoration, or food security issues - a place for us to post a link when a member writes a blog related to our group topic.

(cross-posts from our TW site)


Many of the blogs posted are not sent out to members, unless you specifially click to follow a members blog or discussion.

Click the "Follow" tab on this discussion if you want to be notified when a new blog is posted on our group topic.

(To receive a notice of when a member adds a new blog, try this: go to their member page, scroll down & click on one of the blogs, look for the 'View member's Blog' button, click & Scroll Down and look to click on “Follow- email when this member adds a new blog post”)
Related TW Blog Writers:
Celt, David Pike, Walther H, Heather K, Randy Smith, and more!
Beyond TW Blog Writers:

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* We have some great blog posts on our TW site that are informative & great reads.
Here are the titles & their links -

“Celt's Garden – Gardening in Small Urban Spaces”

“Celts Garden – Planning Your Small Urban Garden”

“Celt's Garden- Growing Food in Containers”

David Pike's “Summary of Wendall Berry; The Unsettling of America – Culture & Agriculture”

“Cover Crops – Green Manure & Soil Restoration” by Heather K

“ Fertile Soil & Seeding Winter Dreams” by Heather K

“Growing Children in School Gardens – Forum” by Heather K

“Seed-Saving – In The Hands of the People!” (forum by Heather K)

“Celt's Garden – Winter Gardening”

“Celt's Garden – Alliums & Roots for Winter Gardening

Walter's Jan 20th “Time to Start Onions Leeks and Shallots”

Walter's Feb “Time to Start Cabbages & Broccoli”

“Community & Biodiversity – Living Within A Changing Environment” by Heather K

(my apologies if I've missed anyones writings that should be posted - please cross-post the ones you find here)
Great local garden blogs from Feb 21- March 25, 2010

Celts's Garden - Oats in the Garden -

Celt's Garden - Going Crackers -

Celt's Garden - The Joy of Horse Poop -

Celt's Garden - Slow Bread -

Celt's Garden - Managing your small urban garden -

Celt's Garden - Getting to Know Your Farmer -

Celt's Garden - Roots and Greens in the Winter Garden -

Time to Start Tomatoes - Walter H. -

Soils and Soil Building Workshop on March 11th - Walter H. -

Also be sure to look at Randy Smiths from Lumni Islands writings at -
Gardener's Online To Do List- for Best Ever Local Garden Writing Blogs:

To receive local garden blogs from favorite writers direct to your email without signing on to the TW site, you'll need to make an online effort since these blogs do not get mailed out automatically.
(cross posted from comments (3/25/10)

Specific Directions Below:

1) * Sign on to your Transition Whatcom Account

2) * Find your favorite garden bloggers and click on their personal page

( I recommend you start with Celt M Schira, Walter Haugen. David Pike, & Heather K.).

3) * Scroll down this members personal page and look for “Blog Posts”, and click there.

4) * Now scroll down to the bottom of the member's blog list , and click on “Follow – Email me when this member adds a new blog post”.

5) * (After clicking a new sign will appear, that you can use if you want to stop receiving their blog posts – this sign will say - “Stop Following”.
(That sign means you have successfully requested this member new blog posts to be emailed to you, reducing the time you need to sign on to TW to check for new blog posts related to gardening.)

6) * Consider writing your own blog posts with your garden wisdom & humor. You can always type them up and save them as a draft until you are ready to 'publish".

7) * Now unhook and Sign Off of Transition Whatcom, Shut down your computer power....
Stand up and Walk Outside to enjoy the beauty or harvest a few weeds for the compost pile, or a few greens for your next meal!

(Also be sure to read Chuck M. garden article in the foothills news...I don't think he is online Yet).
For accessing local garden resource lists & specific discussions, go to "Organic Gardeners" group, then scroll down to 'Discussion Forum", & click "View All" for complete list.


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