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A new chapter to my online book, The Kennedy Years and the CIA

1962 to 1963 The Kennedy Years and the CIA part one

1962 to 1963 The Kennedy Years and the CIA part two

1962 to 1963 The Kennedy Years and the CIA part three

Law enforcement cases shut down by the CIA:

Angleton on at least one occasion intervened to prevent another part of the CIA from
investigating the banking of illegal Lansky skim from Las Vegas. A
senior official in Robert Kennedy’s Justice Department asked
John Whitten, the CIA’s one time chief of the Mexico/Panama
desk in Western Hemisphere Division, to investigate numbered bank
accounts in Panama because Las Vegas gamblers were using them to
smuggle cash, “which they skimmed off the top of their daily
take.” Using his CIA pseudonym “John Scelso,”
Whitten testified to the Church Committee about Angleton’s

The head of FNB, Harry Anslinger, stated that the CIA and Hoover subverted a grand jury that had been convened in Miami to probe the financial affairs of dozens of top mobsters. (The Strength of the Wolf, pgs. 260- 261)

Bobby Baker was investigated by Attorney General Robert Kennedy He discovered Baker had links to Clint Murchison (rich Texas oil guy) and several Mafia bosses. In the 1950s Fred Black became a business associate and political adviser to Lyndon Johnson. He was also a close friend of Mafia boss, Rosselli.

During this period Fred Black was investigated for taking bribes while working for the Howard Foundry Company. He was also accused of tax invasion. In his petition to the Supreme Court in 1964, Black claimed "that the government had coerced his lawyer into betraying confidences in the case." Later it was discovered that the FBI had been bugging Black's hotel room and office. According to William Torbitt: "Black publicly told many people in Washington, D.C. he had informed J. Edgar Hoover that an income tax conviction against him must be reversed or he would blow the lid off Washington with revelations of the assassination conspirators. Lobbyist Black prevailed upon J. Edgar Hoover to admit error before the Supreme Court where his case was reversed in 1966."

On 22nd November, 1963, a friend of Baker's, Don B. Reynolds told B. Everett Jordan and his Senate Rules Committee that Johnson had demanded that he provided kickbacks in return for this business. This included a $585 Magnavox stereo. Reynolds also had to pay for $1,200 worth of advertising on KTBC, Johnson's television station in Austin. Reynolds had paperwork for this transaction including a delivery note that indicated the stereo had been sent to the home of Johnson.

Don B. Reynolds also told of seeing a suitcase full of money which Baker described as a "$100,000 payoff to Johnson for his role in securing the Fort Worth TFX contract". His testimony came to an end when news arrived that President John F. Kennedy had been assassinated.

The Chicago mafia boss (and alleged head of the US mafia) Sam Giancana, had a role in CIA's plots to kill Castro. FBI Director Hoover had known since October 1960, that Sam Giancana was a "million-dollar-man" - - slang for a CIA protected drug trafficker. (p. 257, The Strength of the Wolf)

In the late 1960’s without the knowledge of President Eisenhower, the CIA had contracted mafia figures John Rosselli, Sam Giancana, and Santos Trafficante, offering them $150, 000 to kill Castro. The gangsters were happy to be hired to murder the man who had shut down their gambling casinos in Cuba. They hoped a US-sponsored successor to Castro would allow them to reopen the casinos. (((JFK and the Unspeakable, p. 34)

President Kennedy wanted to expel Air America, the CIA’s drug smuggling front company airline from Laos. In 1962, Bobby Kennedy indicted Sea Supply’s manager for having bribed a U.S. official in Laos. This prosecution was blocked by JFK’s ultra right-wing, political enemies and Air America kept its contract in Laos. (The Strength of the Wolf, p. 262)

CIA inspector General John S. Earman Jr. stated the CIA had perfected “an interrogation theory employing chemical substances.” Theory was in practiced by 1962, when an Army Special Purpose Team traveled to the Atsugi Naval Base in Japan to use LSD during interrogations of foreign nationals suspected of drug smuggling and spying. Tests were also conducted on prisoners in Vietnam, where the CIA was concerned about a regional drug smuggling managed by President Diem’s brother Nhu, through his intelligence service. (The Strength of the Wolf, p. 225)


WA state Programmers Labor Union

We do not believe the official story of 9/11, and believe we need a new investigation that addresses the discrepancies and evidence that were never investigated.

Mike Venuto

Constance Eichenlaub, Ph.D.
Craig Robinson

David Ward

Dick McManus CW3, (ret)

Elizabeth Walter- JD,

Gini Paulsen, PhD

Guy Razer, MS, Lt Col (ret)

Herb Camet, Jr., M.A

Jason Call

JoyRae Freeman

Pat Thompson

Patti Woodard

Norman K. Marsh, MA

Rebecca “Em” Campbell

Sheila Chambers

Terry Likens, 44th LD

"Bob Burks"

670+ Engineers and Architects

Vice President Walter Mondale

Senator Charles Schumer
Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, JD

US. Senator Max Cleland

Former US Senator Mike Gravel - AK

Gen. Wesley Clark

Louis Freeh

Rep. Curt Weldon

Major General Albert Stubblebine

Richard Falk, a United Nations investigator of human rights

Here is a list of people who want to speak up for prosecution of AWOL Bush, Cheney, et al.

Sigh up for a Yahoo group

Prosecute AWOL Bush and those torturers

Bill Trager, 44th LD, PhD

Chris Pringer, VFP92, PolyPsyArts.Com)

Craig Robinson

Dick McManus, 44th LD

Donald Grahn

George Hill, MD

Gini Paulsen, PhD

Herb Camet, Jr., M.A

Jason Call

Joanne Hiersch, 44th LD

Kim Loftness 32 LD

Linda Boyd

Mark Nagel

Mark Wilson

Michael Tivana

Mike Yanasak

o'Kelly McCluskey, PaxJD, DAP with 92 VFP

Pat Thompson

Richard Curtis, PhD

Rik Reynolds

Sheila Chambers

Terry Likens, 44th LD

Tom Krebsbach

Melissa Reginelli

Gregory Baisden

Cathryn Baillie

Norman K. Marsh, JD, LL.M, 39th LD

Lavern Lemay, Denver, CO

You learn about someone who has committed a war crime or for that matter has committed any crime ? What is your DUTY?

What is meant by "JUSTICE"? It means civil society has a duty to make sure there is a punishment for those who have committed a crime. Those harmed by the criminal must trust the CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM will investigate, try, and punish the convicted criminal according to punishment spelled out by the criminal law.

No one is above the LAW. All men are created equally under that law.

Without a trial there is we shut off the light of the law.

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