Time: May 9, 2015 at 9am to May 31, 2015 at 2pm
Location: B'ham & County
Website or Map: http://transitionwhatcom.ning…
Event Type: plant, sales, &, seed/plant, swaps
Organized By: volunteers & neighbors
Latest Activity: Apr 14, 2015
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Spring Fever! Plant Sales & Swaps!
See List of Plant Sales In Comment Section below:
Consider joining the local online Earth Gardens network: http://transitionwhatcom.ning.com/group/organic
Sale events offer opportunities to offer or purchase plants for a low price, or as a fundraiser for local clubs & non-profit organizations.
Lots of edibles at all sales!
Also read Grow Northwest magazine http://www.grownorthwest.com/ for listing of annual sales & plant exchanges.
2014 Plant Sales will have similardates as the below 2103 sales listed in comments below.
Backyard Habitat & Native Flora Fair- Saturday May 18, 2013. Time: 10am-4pm Fairhaven Village Green. http://www.fairhaven.com/events/detail/6478/
Master Gardener's Plant Sale- May 11, 2013 Saturday 9am-2pm. Location: Hovander Park in Ferndale http://whatcom.wsu.edu/ch/mg.html
Birchwood Garden Club Plant Sale- Saturday May 4, 2013. Time: 9am-noon. Location: downstairs Bellingham Library 210 Central Avenue. http://www.birchwoodgardenclub.org/ “Items for sale: Perennials, annuals, vegetable starts, shrubs, vines, trees, herbs, ornamental grasses and MUCH more!”
Everson Garden Club Plant Sale- April 27, 2013 Saturday 9am-1pm. Location: Everson Elementary School
Cloud Mountain Farm- Workshops, Classes, Festivals: http://www.cloudmountainfarmcenter.org/index2.cfm?page=_workshops
Bakerview Nursery Garden Semiars- http://www.bakerviewnursery.com/News_And_Events.html
Garden Spot Classes- http://www.garden-spot.com/
Dahlia Tuber Sale 2013- Date correction: Saturday April 6th- 10am at Bloedel Donavan Park- http://whatcomcountydahliasociety.org/index.php?option=com_frontpag...
Saturday March 30th https://www.facebook.com/FairhavenPlantAndTreeSale/info Fairhaven Plant & Tree Sale! 9am-3pm. A favorite among your permaculture gardening homesteaders! Be sure to visit Burdt Ridge Nursery for their edible shrubs & trees!
Native Plant Sale 2013 http://www.whatcomcd.org/plant-sale March 23rd Saturday at Whatcom Community College.
See website for pre-order information.
Plant Sales Abound! Saturday May 7th:
> Mt. Baker Garden Club Plant Sale- Sat May 7th at Rome Grange (2821 Mt. Baker Hwy) past the Y Rd. 9am-12 Hint- if you are a plant collector & a budget hound, this is the sale to go to early! 2nd Hint: Look at the shrubs & trees first. Some of the members have unique plants in their garden and these specialties go quick! http://www.zvents.com/z/bellingham-wa/mt--baker-garden-club-plant-s... & http://chuckanutwa.org/yahoo_site_admin/assets/docs/General_Info_as_of_03-13-2011.71184745.pdf & http://www.chuckanutwa.org/district_clubs
>May 7 Sat- Master Gardeners Plant Sale & Garden Fair 9am-2pm- Hovander Park.
> May 7 Sat -B'ham Unitarian Fellowship's Plant Sale- 9am-2pm
Sat April 2nd- Dahlia Tuber Sale! 10am-3pm. Bloedel-Donovan Park.
www.whatcomCountyDahliaSociety.org Grow dalia's as part of your organic matter for your home-made-compost & home-grown-straw!
They used to be grown in Mexico as edible tubers...but in recent decades the colorful flowers have been selected. Good luck finding yummy edible tuber, and a way to cook, I'm still trying! Many of us just leave them in the ground over the winter if we have well drained soils! Easy to divide & share the abundance! The bees visit them in the fall when their blooms fully open!
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