Time: May 22, 2012 from 6pm to 9pm
Location: RIverhaven
Street: 741 River Rd
City/Town: Lynden
Website or Map: http://g.co/maps/nx963
Phone: 360-961-9028
Event Type: garden, party
Organized By: Sustainable Bellingham
Latest Activity: May 23, 2012
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SB Roving Garden Party - 5/22 - Lynden - 6pm
Join Sustainable Bellingham's 4th annual Roving Garden Party series, where volunteers help their neighbors create an edible garden. These fun events consist of approximately 90 minutes of gardening, followed by a shared meal. Everyone is welcome!
To get on the mailing list to hear about future SB Roving Garden Parties and other local events, please email info@sustainablebellingham.org.
** Where: DIRECTIONS TO RIVERHAVEN (741 River Rd, Lynden WA 98264): From Bellingham, take the Guide Meridian north toward Lynden. You will pass Smith, Laurel, and Pole Roads. You go over the Nooksack River bridge and take an immediate LEFT onto River Rd at the roundabout. Go about 1 1/2 miles down the road until the sign says "Road Ends" and we are on the LEFT with the huge red barn. You can park anywhere along the circular driveway as long as other cars can drive past. WE HIGHLY ENCOURAGE PEOPLE TO CARPOOL OUT FROM BELLINGHAM-- MAYBE MEETING AT THE MERIDIAN HAGGENS PARKING LOT AT 5:30. Call 961-9028 if you get lost-- and do NOT follow your GPS out here, it will put you in the middle of a corn field. MAP: http://g.co/maps/nx963.
** When: Tuesday, May 22nd from 6:00 to 9:00 pm. Come early if you want to look around our exciting one-year old, 22-acre Permaculture homestead project, meet our animals, and see portable animal shelters and rotational grazing in action!
** Requested Items to Bring: We have lots of tools, so you don't need to bring your own.
** Tasks: We will be grateful for your help in planting our field of corn, beans, and squash... maybe some weeding or other tasks depending on how many people show up.
** Food: We will make a gluten-free dinner mostly from ingredients we have grown at our farm, and if you have other food needs besides that, please call Chris a few days ahead of time at 961-9028. We are happy to accommodate if we know what you need.
** Host: Chris Wolf, Krista Rome, and Chris Testa, at Riverhaven Homestead. We have lived here for a year and are converting this old dairy homestead into a fully sustainable, integrated Permaculture farm. Call 961-9028.
** Questions: email Jean at artiseverywhere [at] yahoo [dot] com, or info@sustainablebellingham.org.
View future Roving Garden Parties and other events on Sustainable Bellingham's Community Calendar: http://www.sustainablebellingham.org/events/.
If you're interested in hosting a Roving Garden Party at your home or community garden, email Jean at artiseverywhere [at] yahoo [dot] com. We ask that you be prepared to provide a meal for ~10-15, and that you give back by volunteering at another Roving Garden Party.
Sustainable Bellingham - promoting and supporting sustainable community. http://sustainablebellingham.org
River Haven's work party was top-notch! We all planted a field of dry beans from seeds Krista had grown...And then enjoyed the most home-grown meal any of us have had - beans, green corn tortilla, salad, saurkraut!
The farmers here are walking their talk and sharing the abundance of their knowledge! Thank You!
our tortilla press is ready!
Krista, I expect you'll have at least 4-6 (Jeff, Jean, Heather, and some of their friends). I will request rsvps on Facebook, so check that page if you can. We usually we just get drop-ins, but those are less likely when there is carpooling involved.
Hey folks, due to the weather, we really need to have a heads up on how many are planning to come tomorrow. Please let us know if you are coming for sure and whoever is running the show, is there any way to get a head count from other Rovers who may not be on TW? Do they typically RSVP to you first or is it just drop-in? Thanks!
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