Time: March 10, 2011 from 7pm to 9pm
Location: Phillip Tarro Theatre
Street: Skagit Valley Community College Campus
City/Town: Mt. Vernon
Event Type: slide, presentation, and, panel, discussion
Organized By: Janet McKinney
Latest Activity: Mar 7, 2011
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Imagine Skagit in Transition: Local Interdependence - Community Building To Meet Our Challenges.
7:00pm at the Phillip Tarro Theatre, on the campus of Skagit Valley Community College, as the opening event for the Skagit Human Rights Festival.
The evening starts off with a moving slide show created by Chuckanut Transition that explains what Transition is in general and then highlights current transition activities occurring in Skagit County. A panel discussion follows, featuring representatives from Chuckanut Transition, Transition Fidalgo and Friends, Transition Whatcom, and Transition Whidbey. Panelists are Sarai Stevens, David MacLeod, Paul Kearsley, Eileen Jackson, Evelyn Adams, and Chris Soler.
The Transition Movement is comprised of vibrant, grassroots community initiatives that seek to build community resilience in the face of such challenges as peak oil, climate change and the economic crisis. Transition Initiatives differentiate themselves from other sustainability and "environmental" groups by seeking to mitigate these converging global crises by engaging their communities in home-grown, citizen-led education, action, and multi-stakeholder planning to increase local self reliance and resilience.
Listen to a podcast of Sarai Stevens and Janet McKinney discussing Chuckanut Transition and this upcoming presentation:
Visit the websites: http://chuckanuttransition.wordpress.com and http://transitionfidalgo.org/ and http://transitionwhatcom.ning.com/, and http://www.transitionwhidbey.org/
Visit the website for the Skagit Human Rights Festival: http://www.skagithrf.wordpress.com
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