Time: April 20, 2012 to April 22, 2012
Location: Throughout Bellingham
Website or Map: http://FoodNotBombs.net
Phone: 509-679-4194
Event Type: guest, speaker
Organized By: Zachary Robertson
Latest Activity: Apr 17, 2012
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Food Not Bombs co-founder, Keith McHenry, will give many presentations about the history, principles and Food Not Bombs global campaign to end the criminalization of poverty, the movement's participation in the occupations and how our community can participate in the global protest movement against austerity!
Friday Afternoon, April 20, 3:30-6:00 Free meal w\ Keith at the Peace Vigil (Cornwall and Magnolia).
Friday Evening, 7:15 - 9:00 Evening talk by Keith (The Majestic 1027 N. Forest St.)
Saturday, April 21, -Keith will table at WWU EarthDay event (MPR)
3:00 Participate in a Skill Share at the Bell. Alt. Library 717N Forest
Sunday, April 22, 2012 - Keith will speak at WWU (Academic West 210) from 2:00-3:30pm (after the Earth Day Celebration at the Outback Farm.)
7:00pm Keith will speak at the Bellingham 12 (Stop Resource Rape) Benefit Concert (100 E Maple)
This schedule is packed and subject to change.
Please contact Zac at: Be_the_rock@hotmail.com or 509-679-4194 (during the weekend) for questions, comments, and updates!
FNB info - http://www.foodnotbombs.net/
Keith's bio- http://www.foodnotbombs.net/keithbio.html
These events are sponsored by the Student Homeless Outreach Team (S.H.O.T.), Whatcom Peace & Justice Center, The Majestic, The Foundry, The WWU Environmental Center, The Bellingham Alternative Library, and our local Food Not Bombs.
Thanks for celebrating this delightful holiday!
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