Transition Whatcom

Building Critical Mass for Sustainable Change

Event Details

Building Critical Mass for Sustainable Change

Time: June 24, 2011 from 1pm to 5pm
Location: Sustainable Living Center
Street: 2309 Meridian St. (above the RE Store)
City/Town: Bellingham
Website or Map: http://www.attractionretreat.…
Event Type: seminar
Organized By: Dave Ewoldt
Latest Activity: Jun 23, 2011

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Event Description

Coalitions of Mutual Endeavor presents a Paradigm Shifting Seminar, hosted by RE Sources, and co-sponsored by Sustainable Bellingham.

4 hours of rich, professional development for organizers and organizations:

* seeking a true alternative, not mere reform;
* eager to build coalitions among peace, justice, environmental, and democracy groups while bridging to the mainstream; and
* who are aware that without critical mass, there won’t be critical change.

What you will gain from the seminar:

* A systemic framework, process and supportive tools
* A common goal and a set of shared values that can be pressed into service—and why they work
* A process to overcome stumbling blocks in big-tent coalitions
* A comprehensive, cohesive narrative that starts with the root disease of single-issue symptoms—connecting the dots
* A legally defensible definition of sustainability and a process for developing sustainability indicators
* Reconnecting and Relocalizing—ways to build relationships of mutual support for community resiliency and quality of life
* A jurisprudence and policy foundation to enact and support change

True justice cannot exist without sustainability, and without justice there will be no peace.

Fee: Sliding scale, $20-$45 per person

Seminar presenters: Dave and Allison Ewoldt, formerly of Bellingham, now residing in Tucson, AZ, are practitioners and researchers in applied ecopsychology, and co-founders of Transition Pima. Their community and political activism revolves around remembering how to think and act the way that nature works.Visit their website at

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Comment by David MacLeod on June 18, 2011 at 1:08pm
yep, just show up.  I think that's about it.
Comment by Kyler Boyes on June 18, 2011 at 12:14pm
How do I register for this event? Do I just show up on the day with money in hand?

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