Time: September 19, 2009 to September 27, 2009
Location: Fourth Corner Nurseries
Street: Sand Road
City/Town: Bellingham
Website or Map: http://rchaardsblog.blogspot.…
Phone: (360) 201 5174
Event Type: hands, on, re-skilling, workshop
Organized By: Rich Haard
Latest Activity: Dec 9, 2014
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Make Biochar and Biochar compost with Sean Barry, Larry Williams and Rich Haard
on September 19, 20 and 26, 27 at Fourth Corner Nurseries, Sand Road,
Bellingham, WA.
Co-Sponsored by Transition Whatcom
Some Background
Biochar is charcoal, plain and
simple - charcoal converted from biomass
The name Biochar was coined to differentiate it
from charcoal because Biochar is meant to be
used in soil.
See http://terrapreta.bioenergylists.org
Sean Barry is coming here from Stillwater, MN
to promote the production and use of Biochar. Sean
is engineer and owner of Troposphere energy LLC.
He is bringing a portable kiln he has built for us
to test and use. This is a tool that can make
positive inroads on global warming and soil
This is an open source technology
A United Nations FAO portable kiln, that can make 700-1000 lbs of Biochar in 24 hours and is designed to
be operated by 2 people. It can be used anywhere
in the world where there is biomass and requires
only basic wood cutting tools. By helping Sean
perfect this prototype kiln, we can learn more
about making Biochar and share it for gardening
Events Scheduled
Open Discussions ongoing
Saturday, September 19
Setting up, firing and monitoring the kiln
Sunday September 20
harvest and breakup the Biochar
Saturday September 26
Another burn this time with dry garden
waste. AND making Biochar based compost
Sunday September 27
again harvest and breakup of Biochar and distribution of Biochar for gardening research.
Who will attend this admission free event?
Are you interested in production and use of
Biochar? Then you are welcome to attend.
Safety concerns and working farm location require
proper clothing, gloves, shoes, and attendance at a
safety discussion. Loading the kiln is safe and
more hands help. After that, there is not much
activity, managing fire draft and moving stacks
Likely, we will have an evening barbeque on Saturday.
Event Contacts
Registration application and local information --
Richard Haard, haardrichard46@gmail.com or (360) 201 5174
Kiln information and appointments for other demonstrations --
Sean Barry, http://www.troposphere-energy.com,
sean.barry@juno.com (651)-285-0904 (Work/Cell),
351-0711 (home/fax)
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RSVP for BIOCHAR BURNING CANCELLED- call Rich with any questions to add comments!
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