Time: September 24, 2011 from 8am to 10pm
Location: neighborhoods & villages
City/Town: Bellingham & Whatcom County
Website or Map: http://www.moving-planet.org/
Event Type: multiple, events
Organized By: multiple citizens
Latest Activity: Aug 30, 2011
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Plan to attend or create a local 350.org Outdoor day called “Moving Planet: A day to move beyond fossils fuels."
Info at- http://www.moving-planet.org/
Circle the date on your calendar- Sat Sept 24th.
(There may also be some other events being planned for September for International Peace Day, Living Democracy, and our Whatcom Food Network forum.)
"Moving Planet” day has been visioned by Bill McKibben of 350.org. He calls it a day to move beyond fossil fuels, a day to get day to get people out in the streets in large number, on foot & on bicycle, to bring strong calls to our leaders that we need to get off fossil fuels & move to 350 ppm.
Also Peace Day is celebrated around Sept 21st.
More info on Moving Plantet 350.org event at- http://blog.nurturenatureproject.com/2011/04/28/video-bill-mckibben-of-350-org-speaking-at-power-shift-2011/ Quote: “On 24 September we’ll be figuring out the most meaningful ways to make the climate message move, literally. We’ll show that we can use our hands, our feet, and our hearts to spur real change. In many places, people will ride bicycles, one of the few tools used by both affluent and poor people around the world. Other places people will be marching, dancing, running, or kayaking, or skateboarding. Imagine the spectacle: thousands of people encircling national capitals, state houses, city halls.
But we won’t just be cycling or marching–we’ll also be delivering a strong set of demands that can have real political impact. They’ll differ from one country to the next, of course, because the steps we need to take depend on how much fossil fuel we already use. To make this political impact we need to start building momentum now. In the US, 10,000 young leaders got the ball rolling at the Power Shift 2011 summit and rally in Washington, DC last weekend. We’ll build this momentum together over the next five months, with hard-hitting online campaigns, focused grassroots organizing at the local level, and climate leadership workshops around the world.”
Bellingham Mobilization Action Day- "Bike Bellingham"- “Moving Planet: A day to move beyond fossils fuels." http://transitionwhatcom.ning.com/events/bike-bellingham
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