Transition Whatcom

The Cycles of Time Turn On and ON

Wow we are approaching the shortest day of the year and official WINTER. I go for a walk at 6am three days a week with a friend in Whatcom Falls Park. We do not use any lights and this time of year it is sometimes a challenge to see where we are going. We refer to it as walking by brail. It is clear that we slow down some because of this and that reminds me of what the natural world is doing, slowing down and resting getting ready for another summer. It often brings up questions for me about what I am doing and whether my business serves a real purpose or is just a bad habit. Slowing down sounds like a good idea! There is something I enjoy about celebrating the solstices and the winter solstice is no exception. This year has snuck up on me and I am really surprised that it is just over a week away. I need to plan my celebration and do my part to bring the sun back with longer and warmer days. It is good for me to feel a part of the natural cycles. Soon it will be time to start planning what to plant for next spring now that excites me!  Tom A

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