Transition Whatcom

October Activities You May Have Missed

          Transition Whatcom sponsors many wonderful events every month. They include co-sponsored author events at Village Books, our monthly movie night, gatherings and talks. In addition our members create and participate in many, many events.  With such a creative, diverse community, it is easy to miss out. The TWOG has decided to provide a recap each month of some of the main events that have brought us together and inspired us during the month. 

           Please recognize that these are events that the TWOG participated in. We may be leaving out many important activities. If you have created or participated in an event that you would like to let others know about, please let the TWOG know how it went, and we will include it in our next monthly recap.

                                                                                                                               - Emily, for the TWOG

 October movie night – Always the 3rd Tuesday at 6:30 at the Limelight.

    Our October movie was The Global Gardener, featuring Bill Mollison.  This movie brought our biggest turnout yet for movies, with 40 people attending.  Paul Kearsley moderated a great discussion following the movie, which spilled out into the street when we had to leave after 30 minutes.

    November’s movie, on Tuesday Nov. 20, will be The Power of Community, a film about Cuba’s response to peak oil. Although it is several years old, this movie may provide some inspiration and/or ideas we can apply here.

  Author event at Village Books:  October 4 – Andrew Nikiforuk, author of The Energy of Slaves: Oil and the New Servitude. Around 20 people attended his overview of how we have become increasingly dependent on our cheap oil fueled cell phones, cars, machines, etc. He drew parallels to the way in which slaves provided cheap energy prior to the industrial revolution, and explored what we can learn from the history of that system and its breakdown. Great discussion after the readings.

  Imagine Local Energy Independence- a talk with Dan Kammen at Bellingham High School, October 5.  Over 500 in attendance. Great 'feet on the street' view of what can be done (mainly in the policy arena) to address peak oil and related 'ills'. A kick-off to the ReSources visioning process that the entire community can become involved with.

 Fall membership gathering and potluck – Sunday October 21, 2:30 – 5pm. Between 15 and 20 people came to share food and community. We celebrated TW’s accomplishments so far this year, especially the Skill Share Faire, and did some visioning about what TW can do in the next year. More to come re: the visioning, but there was a strong theme of building community and inclusiveness as important components of resilience.  Hope to see you at our next quarterly gathering in late January.


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Comment by David MacLeod on November 4, 2012 at 6:55pm


Good to have this recap of events, thank you!  Village Books estimated about 40 people at the Andrew Nikiforuk event, rather than 20:

From event coordinator Christina Claasen:

"I just wanted to extend a big thank you to Transition Whatcom for co-promoting our event with Andrew Nikiforuk last week. We had a great turnout of about 40 people, and I received lots of positive feedback."

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