Transition Whatcom

Senna Rain
  • 49, Male
  • Portland Oregon
  • United States
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Senna Rain's Friends

  • Avielle Heath
  • Travis Linds
  • Stephen Trinkaus
  • Jamie Jedinak
  • Chris Wolf
  • David MacLeod

Senna Rain's Discussions


Senna Rain's Page

Profile Information

How are you currently involved in the Transition?
The transition is here whether we organize it or not. I'm involved by living as sustainably as I can and networking with others who are interested in teaching and learning.
In what ways do you identify with the Transition movement? Why are you interested?
I identify with anyone who has figured out that we can't continue to live like this, that it is destroying the Earth, and that we are not separate from our sources of food and other needs.
Do you have particular interests, skills, talents or resources you would like to bring to Transition Whatcom?
I am a carpenter, gardener, and build bicycles. I can match people to the right bicycle.
In what neighborhood or part of the county do you reside?
Where did you hear about Transition Whatcom and how did you find our community network website?
Where do you see the USA and the world in 5 years? In 10?

Important topics for me:

Let's stop working for what we don't believe in. Just stop! If you don't believe in your heart that what your employer is doing is right, don't work for them! Even if it means homelessness + difficult times. We all need to STOP working for the destructive economy - and this is what I have done. I can help teach people how to live a different way.

Facing: Class-ism + money elite-ism - the worst discriminatory force of all.
Seeing the need for: Community - doing the work needed to build and keep it.
Understanding and changing: Housing relationships - greed / status quo causing slavery, how rent is a force to keep destruction cranking along.
Food relationships - dependency on somewhere else + someone else.
Food quality issues - depletion of soil (huge), toxic pesticides/herbicides.
Overcoming Neanderthal/Cro Mag legacy + mindset because we have high technology that our primitive mentalities cannot responsibly use.
Choosing difficult paths before they choose us. Giving up 'reptile mind' wants for collective human family needs.
Understanding that cars are more destructive than just carbon output; that cars are 1000x more destructive than guns.
Guiding and reaching our misguided lawmakers, getting them back to our side.
Investment strategies based upon higher ethics, not just profit gain.
How do we get the 99% other passengers off of the sinking ship and into the lifeboats? Do we have the lifeboats built yet? Can we do it without them?

This transition group is great, but still my neighbors ride their lawn mowers to the mailbox. How can I reach those who represent total ignorance?

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Comment Wall (3 comments)

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At 2:35pm on November 16, 2009, Heather K said…
Hi Senna, I wish I could have attended your solar oven workshop! I used to be a bicycle mechanic, and now plan to gather a few mechanics together to work on creating a couple demonstration bicycle-powered tools. I wonder if you have an interest in this? I'm also researching electric-power-assisted bicycles.
At 10:42pm on May 19, 2009, Cindi Landreth said…
Hi Senna
I love the topics you are interested in as well. And I am curious about the solar cooker. Unfortunately I can't attend your workshop but would like to attend at another time. Any chance that might happen?
At 10:09pm on May 13, 2009, Chris Wolf said…
Hi Senna, I really appreciated your insights and comments at the Transition meeting last Friday night. I hope to meet you again in person sometime.

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