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Cynthia's Friends

  • Heather K
  • Cindi Landreth

Cynthia's Page

Profile Information

How are you currently involved in the Transition?
Just getting involved. My primary interest is in gardening and raising chicken.
In what ways do you identify with the Transition movement? Why are you interested?
I believe that community is the way of the future. Sharing in food production is very appealing to me. I am interested in meeting more people of a like interest.
Do you have particular interests, skills, talents or resources you would like to bring to Transition Whatcom?
I grew up on a farm and can garden, organic, love herb gardening. I am able to put up foods, canning, drying, I have even made my own cheeses in the past. I have also raised chickens. I am working hard on living as simple as possible.
In what neighborhood or part of the county do you reside?
Please note that you do not have to answer all of the above questions in order to join, and you can always come back later to edit your profile. If it's all too many questions for now, please provide a short answer below on why you'd like to join this site (or a summary of the above, if answered).
I want to meet others who share the same interests.

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At 10:54pm on January 11, 2010, Juliet Thompson said…
Hi Cynthia,
Hope to meet you soon. We've got a Transition Birchwood group if you want to be a part of it, please check it out on the groups tab. I'm on Pinewood across from the elementary school. This burgeoning gardeners group is having monthly potlucks if you're interested.
Hope to meet you soon. Juliet
At 12:45am on January 9, 2010, Heather K said…
Hi Cynthia! Welcome to the local Whatcom Transition site! Lots of other gardeners here. You might be interested in our 'Organic Gardeners & Permaculture' group or the upcoming Seed-Swap! I'm blessed to garden in many locations, including the Birchwood neighborhood!

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