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Bellingham Food Bank's Garden Project


Bellingham Food Bank's Garden Project

Garden Project

Growing more than vegetables

Growing your own food can be an incredibly rewarding activity. Turning bare soil and tiny plants into abundant gardens provides people with a great feeling of accomplishment and awesome additions to their dinner tables. The Garden Project enlists volunteers to build small, raised-bed gardens for low-income individuals and families. We provide all the necessary materials, including growing guides and garden mentors.

Each year we install more than two dozen gardens so local folks can grow their own produce at home. These gardens generate great food and so much more.

The Garden Project reconnects community members to the source of their food. From back yard to kitchen table—the food chain has never been shorter, easier, and more nutritious.

Together, we'll grow food and community from the ground up.

(360) 393- 2838

Location: Bellingham, WA
Members: 1
Latest Activity: Mar 12, 2012


Members (1)


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