Transition Whatcom

We are in such a great neighborhood as far as reducing our dependence on petroleum based transportation is concerned. Walking, biking, running, skating, skipping, scootering, unicycling and moseying will all get you to all the most necessary and interesting places to go in Bellingham. Why do I still use my petro-vehicle so much? Habit, ease, the rush of a busy life. I sure drive less now that I don't work 13 miles from home but I want to bike and walk even more. Is anybody interested in bike-pooling or foot-pooling? What I mean is something like carpooling but using alternative (or just plain native) transportation. Let's pool resources and schedules so that we can go places together without cars. Shopping, working and playing... I want to start spending more time with the people in my neighborhood. I am also interested in jazzing up my biking experience by building a bike trailer anybody want to help or just gawk?

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I love your idea, Jason! I have heard of alternative school bussing in eco-villages in California, where a parent volunteers to walk around to all the houses, picking up all the kids by foot, and they create a longer and longer chain of children until they get to the school! Infinite miles per gallon, plus exercise and fresh air for everyone involved.
Does anybody know how many miles per cup of beans people can walk? Bike?

Chris Wolf said:
I love your idea, Jason! I have heard of alternative school bussing in eco-villages in California, where a parent volunteers to walk around to all the houses, picking up all the kids by foot, and they create a longer and longer chain of children until they get to the school! Infinite miles per gallon, plus exercise and fresh air for everyone involved.
Well I did a little research and this is what I found.

A person could bike about 912 miles on a gallon of gas and a gallon of gas has about 31,000 calories. Since people can't drink gas that would not work very well, however, 1 cup of kidney beans contains about 224.79 calories so a person can bike about 6.61 miles per 1 cup of kidney beans. Not sure how accurate that is but it sounds interesting...

I've been looking into building a bike trailer recently so I would definitely be interested in building one.
Hi Jason,
I am interested in a bike trailer - conceptually, at least. Count me in as a gawker!
When I was in Mexico (Yucatan Peninsula) I saw many of these tricycletas. They were used for personal transport (I saw an OLD guy biking and his wife was sitting on a chair in the basket), commerce, and hauling. Now, it's flat there, but I wonder if this sort of thing would work better/worse than a bike with a trailer.


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