Transition Whatcom

Hi Goshen!

I'm hatching a plan and I want to see what you think of it.  My vision is of a mobilized "swarm" that moves around the county as a monthly workparty.  Exercising this mobilized crew could be tremendously beneficial on down the road when TI's or workgroups have installations they need help with, and it offers a chance for us to honor the county-wide nature of TW.  It also gets people activated in reskilling, community culture and off of the internet, working in a real way (but you know this).  Until we have major installations ourselves, however, it is also a perfect opportunity to work with existing groups and honor the "Project Support Project" that is so heavily encouraged in Transition Culture.  We tried this last Saturday working with CLSR in Fairhaven, we attracted about 35 people total, approximately half and half coming from CLSR and TW.  The work we accomplished exceeded CLSR's expectations, and I consider it a success!  This was a collaboration between TW and Transition Southside, and that worked really well, so it appears to me that collaborating with the local TIs is a winning strategy in terms of knitting it all together. 

I waited to see how the first one went before committing to Dec, but I'm on board: I think it's useful.  So, would there be interest in collaborating with me/TWOG/events committee for a December Goshen workparty?  An idea that's been brought up is to do tree planting with NSEA in your neck of the woods.  I just got off the phone with Lindsay the volunteer coordinator for NSEA and she said Sunday Dec. 5th or 12th from 1-4pm could work for her.  That might be crazy talk with the weather, what do you think?  Do you have an alternate project that would be more meaningful or more doable for you?  I'm happy to hear whatever thoughts you have on this, even if it's 'you're crazy,' and I'm particularly keen to see if anyone wants to help me plan--it's way more fun that way.

Cheers, Laura jean

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Hi Laura, Peter here. I will inquire by phone to see what interest there might be (what specific projects). I have a few projects at my place that could use up quite a few people in a day. I will call you when I have somehting more specific. The work parties is an idea we've already used several times within our group with success. We weeded and harvested for Krista, and rented a chipper for several of our group and took it around and shared the work. Usually, the host who benefits provides food, but not always.


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