Personal Finance Workgroup Meeting October 3, 2010
Members present: Shirley Jacobsen, Caitlin Quigley, Laura Sellens, David Marshak, Katie Vestal
TW Mission/Vision
Move Your Money brochure/campaign
Private label CD
Keizer meats
Business Bank
Local investment
Tuition trade with elders
Katie brought up a non-taxable tuition work-trade option where students would work
for elders in their homes for tuition.
She agreed to look into this further and bring information/proposal to
the group.
Discussed using Move your Money brochure in a broader campaign including public speaker,
handing out brochure on sidewalk in front of big banks, news/radio pieces
including “debates” between Credit unions and banks or response to brochure. Laura is working on creating an events
committee that might help. Shirley and
Caitlin agreed to look for the right speaker.
Timing of the campaign would be placed around availability of the
speaker. Laura will contact Nan at
Village Books to see if there’s already a great speaker coming. Laura will check the TWIG publicity document
for a list of media opportunities.
Discussed using the ning site vs. email for communications. Important to keep a record of what we’re doing, also can be annoying to some members.
Leadership. Caitlin agreed to convene this meeting, unless she finds out it’s prohibited by her new workplace. (Yay!)
LION investment model. We like it. Laura agreed to contact LION to see if we can
have them up for a meeting with Sustainable Connections. Or maybe we could go down to Port Townsend to
talk with them. Caitlin will go to the
Small Business Development Center to determine opportunities and resources.
Business Bank. Shirley gave a report on an opportunity to invest in a community bank.
Keizer Meats. Laura briefly gave a run-down on the Keizer Meats opportunity.
Agreed to discuss Private Label CD and budgeting next month as we ran out of time.
Next meeting Nov. 7, 1-3pm Co-op Connections building
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