Transition Whatcom

Purpose of meeting is to form a core group to pursue post peak oil health issues, especially to participate in the Great Unleashing and to draw in other health professionals.

Participants stated that we need to:

1. Treat the root cause or source of a problem, not treat symptoms.
2. Change diet to reduce chronic conditions and pain.
3. Reduce throwaway supplies. We must!!
4. Create a layered approach to health care. First, self-care, then neighborhood emergency, then specialists. Learn to do it yourself and take responsibility for your own health. Be responsible even when you are in the health system.
5. Recognize that our health systems are already vulnerable and will continue to increase in risk due to budget cuts and reduced staff. It is a pattern we will recognize.
6. Accept death. We have an unhealthy idea about what we should get from this life.
7. Include dentistry and psychological health.
8. Use methods that are not dependent on technology, internet, cell phones.
9. Be prepared to care for yourself for at least 3 days; no help is coming.

We brainstormed ways to move forward and prioritized actions in three groups, #1 being the first and most urgent.

#1 Research and gather info, such as contents of WWII medical kit, wilderness first aid, transition initiatives addressing healthcare.
Find more interested people.
Connect with other groups, such as Sustainable Connections, Whatcom Alliance for Health Care, Interfaith, Transition Whatcom food group.
Movie screenings to raise awareness.
Reconnecting with nature, wildcrafting. (also ranked 2 and 3)
Emergency communications, such as ham radio. (also ranked 2 and 3)
Identify medical supplies to keep on hand at home.
Identify sources for supplies, reusable tools.
Re-educate the public concerning these issues.
List/map of resources/providers (include wildcrafters)
Be prepared for face-to-face communication rather than use computers, cell phones. Carry medical records.
Empower people with positive message: Take back your health.

#2 Re-skilling, such as “wilderness” first aid, medicinal herbs, nutrition, preventative medicine, CERT (Community Emergency Response Team).
Address mis-information being given to the public.
Let people know the urgency of this problem.
Connect with county health depts, governments.
Centralized stockpile of necessary medications. (also ranked 3)
Be a resource for neighborhoods/ Transition Initiatives; help neighborhoods identify medical people in the neighborhood, organize a neighborhood emergency location (also ranked 3).

#3 Infrastructure problems: change laws.
Library of health information, materials, and books.
End of life/death/burial.
Address emotional trauma of accepting and dealing with these issues.

Views: 19

Replies to This Discussion

Great job, Judith! Thank you so much for taking notes today!I know I will be referring to this page a lot!


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