Transition Whatcom

Anybody interested in hosting an Urban Gardening Workshop for their Neighborhood Association or Transition Neighborhood Group? We led one yesterday for the Columbia Neighborhood and it was a great hit! A 2-hour time slot on a weekend or evening would work best. Contact Chris Wolf or me if interested, here is the workshop description:

(Insert Location and Time)
Suggested donation: $10 - $15 per person to support our local farmer/teachers
Did you know that it is possible to feed a family on just 1/4 acre of land? This fun workshop will teach intensive gardening and Permaculture techniques for growing more of your own food sustainably on your small urban plot. Whether you are eager to put in your first garden, or are already raising fruit trees and chickens and want to see exactly how much of your food you could grow, you will go home with new ideas, tips, and inspiration. We will be discussing annual and perennial food plants, small animals for meat/eggs within a city, and growing storage crops (like dry beans, corn, potatoes) that you can eat all winter. GIY (grow it yourself) is the best way to ensure that you have the healthiest, freshest food available; that you are resilient during economic ups and downs; and is a wonderful way to meet neighbors and build community.
Taught by: Chris Wolf [certified Permaculture designer, farmer, and founding member of Transition Whatcom] and Krista Rome [farmer and master food preserver, and creator of the Backyard Beans and Grains Project].

Views: 90

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