Transition Whatcom

I sell filtered, dewatered, high quality waste vegetable oil (wvo) for 50% the pump price of diesel. If you mix this with diesel and a small amount of gasoline (E-85 preferred), you can run it through your diesel engine without any modifications. OR, buy one of my simple, in-line 12 volt heaters (starting at $30) which will heat the fuel prior to ignition. Warm wvo fuel is thinner and will allow you to run a much higher percentage of wvo in your diesel/wvo mix. Why wait. Save up to 50% off your diesel fuel bill. I also take Life Dollars (

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I'm interested in running wvo in our Isuzu P'up. How do we do this?
Juliet Thompson
I also drive an isuzu p'up (chevy luv). These are in my opinion the perfect vehicle to convert to straight veg oil (svo). A run down of a typical 2 tank conversion to svo is here: and some additional info here

However, there are some options to simplify significantly.

#1) Go with a single tank conversion, use your existing tank, run a mix of diesel and veg oil in this tank and install an electric, 12 volt inline fuel heater to warm the fuel. The risk of any single tank conversion is that you can not switch back to diesel if you run into issues associated with dirty/wet oil, plugged filters and/or cold, thick fuel that is very difficult to start your engine on (the risk of cold, thick fuel increases in cold climates). You can run higher percentage diesel to mitigate these risks, much higher percentage diesel in winter. The inline 12 volt heater warms the fuel so that you can start your engine on your diesel/veg oil mixture. It also helps starting if you use a block heater. It will still be more difficult to start your engine, especially without a block heater, more difficultly with higher percentage veg oil and colder temps. I ended up having to replace my glow plugs, but I can give you the part number for the ones that I found that stand up very well.

#2) The other option is to go with a 2 tank conversion as I laid out on my website, however use 1 or 2 of the electric, 12 volt heaters in place of coolant heating, and do not worry about heating your fuel tank. With this option, you would still need to mix in some diesel or gasoline in with your veg oil in the winter in order for it to stay fluid below freezing and be careful to not get any "bad" oil with solid animal fat and/or hydrogenated oil in it (ps - you will always get quality oil from me that stays fluid well below freezing and is water free and filtered).

You can buy these recommended 12 volt heaters online (i.e. vegtherm from plantdrive) or you can buy from me for $40 for 100 watt heater. e-mail me if you have any more questions.

Juliet Thompson said:
I'm interested in running wvo in our Isuzu P'up. How do we do this?
Juliet Thompson


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