Transition Whatcom

I am setting up a Biodiesel / Straight Vegetable Oil Co-op that will allow people to work together to produce biodiesel OR process waste vegetable oil for use as a fuel. I live in Bellingham and my current shop is in Sumas. Which is not convenient for me and would not be convenient for co-op members. I have all the raw materials (waste vegetable oil. methanol and KaOH) and all the equipment  to produce biodiesel. Or for those of us that like to run it straight (straight vegetable oil - svo) waste vegetable oil can be stored, dewatered, settled, pumped (pneumatic pumps with compressor) and filtered (1 micron/5 microm dual, cleanable bag filters) as well. I also have the lab equipment and supplies for titrating and measuring chemicals. I have a TON of waste vegetable oil (well, actually several tons) and I have about 50 -80 gallons coming in every week from restaurants. I have been running straight vegetable oil in my vehicles and been helping others convert to SVO for over 2 years now.

I am hoping someone has a space in Bellingham that could be used as the co-op workspace. We would need about 1000 sq. ft. but if we had an outside area to store oil could get by with much less. It should be well ventilated for making biodiesel, or have an overhead door that could be opened. My processor is on wheels and can be even wheeled outside for the methanol mixing process. Ideally it should be heated for the winter months, but not necessary. Need standard 120 V electricity only.

In exchange for providing the space, you will have FREE membership in the co-op, which means you can use the equipment whenever you like and get the raw materials AT COST. You therefore could produce your own diesel fuel or process waste vegetable oil for $1.50/gallon! That is a huge savings is you consume a lot of diesel or have equipment that run on dieselPlus, you will be taking a step towards self reliance and away from fossil fuels. Please e-mail 

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Replies to This Discussion

Hey Travis, I'll keep my eyes/ears open for something that woudl help you secure space.
Sometime, I would like you to meet some of the good folks who live in the Everson/Nooksack/Goshen/Rome area.. Many are both growing food and creating energy saving devices.
There is a mechanic I met, Jerry, with Heron Reach Services that I'd like to introduce you to sometime.
Keep an eye on the Transition Goshen site for a future potluck or event, and then ask one of us for an invite.
Krista R is part of that network, don't know if you've met her, or with Dusty who cares for 60 acres of vegi-full crops south of Everson.


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