Transition Whatcom

I'm helping my mother, Celeste, find a new place to live.  She sold her house in Spokane and is Moving to the Bellingham area and set up her tiny house in a Long-Term Rental situation.

The Tiny House is a clean and classy unit, 12ft x 33ft, all wood home afixed to a steel multi axel trailer.   (Does NOT look like a trailer/mobile home).  It is being built for her in Idaho and will be moved over by the end of the year.  IT can be fitted with black water holding tank or composting toilet, with option for hook up to sewer.  

Are YOU or do you Know a Land owner, with available 2,000-4,000 square Feet of level, cleared land, access to power and water, sewer hookup/rv dump would be a plus, and permission to garden a small patch? 

Location: Most Anywhere within 0-30 min drive to Down Town Bellingham.  (city plot, farm land, or lightly wooded)  Depending on Site set up, Rent could be negotiated.

Celeste woud be an excellent long term renter/land mate;  A retired nurse, with a warm, jovial, compassionate nature.  She creates beautiful flower and veggie gardens, keeps a tidy home and yard, is responsible, considerate, has great credit, and has an engrained passion for sustainabe living practices.   Other Interests include Gardening, Quilting, Poetry, Nature, Cooking/Baking/canning, Family, Reading, Movies, and Community Events. 
2 tiny old dogs and one small cat would accompany her.
Please Contact us if you'd like to have a longer discussion or would like to pass on information about another land owner with potential to rent.  
Thank you so much for your Consideration,
Tiffany Geaudreau 360-441-1493  
or call my mom directly
Celeste Geaudreau

Views: 75

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