Time: November 7, 2009 from 9am to 12pm
Location: Ten Mile Creek Watershed - Whatcom county
City/Town: Whatcom County - Laurel - Lynden - Ten Mile Watersheds
Website or Map: http://www.n-sea.org/index.cf…
Phone: 715-0283
Event Type: work, party, -, watershed, restoration
Organized By: Nooksack Salmon Enhancement Association (NSEA)
Latest Activity: Nov 7, 2009
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Join with Volunteers at Ten Mile Creek for a Streamside Habitat Restoration Work-Party with Nooksack Salmon Enhancement Association (NSEA) & the Whatcom Conservation District, & WWU's LEAD & Bellewood Acres staff, friends, famly!
Help plant natvie trees & shrubs along this new site on Ten Mile Creek in Lynden.
Parking is available at Bellewood Acres, located just east of the Guide Meridian Rd. at 231 Ten Mile Rd. Follow the signs & check in at the blue NSEA tent.
Tools & gloves will be provided.
Wear weather-appropriate clothing & wear sturdy shoes.
Refreshments provided by The Bagelry, the community Food Co-op, Erin Baker's Wholesome Baked Goods, Starbucks Coffee, Tony's Coffee & Teas.
Network with your friends for carpooling or ride a bike & dress warm!
Know your Regional Watersheds & Where Your Household Water Comes From! :
"Tenmile Creek Watershed, which includes both Nooksack lowlands and the King Mountain uplands, is located in the central part of Whatcom County & drains over 22,590 acres of land.
This watershed includes Tenmile, Fourmile, and Deer creeks, as well as Crystal Springs, Barrett, Green and Fazon lakes. The largest creek, Tenmile creek,is 13.6 miles long.
Fish and wildlife : Tenmile Creek provides good habitat for Chinook, chum, coho, steelhead and resident trout.
Pollution: Common sources of pollution in this area are from erosion, animal waste, failing septic systems, fertilizers and pesticides, vehicle fluids and yard waste.
Major Issues: * Low water flow inadequete to support salmon. *Low levels of disolved oxygen vital to fish and other aquatic life caused by high temperatures due to lack of shade and excess nutrients (fertilizer, manure, septic) causing blooms of vegetation that consume too much oxygen.
Interesting Facts: The largest lake in the Tenmile Creek Watershed is Barrett Lake, covering 40 acres of land. Tenmile Creek Watershed contains 65 miles of streams.
Restoration Projects: NSEA is planning to create 1800 feet of new channel in the area.
The Tenmile Creek Watershed Restoration Project continually works towards the improvement of the watershed."
Facts in quotes above from the NSEA page at -
NSEA is a community-based nonprofit organization dedicated to restoring sustainable wild salmon runs in Whatcom County. Question try 715-0283 or email ltaylor@n-sea.org. Website – www.n-sea.org
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RSVP for Ten Mile Creek Work Party - Streamside Habitat Restoration – Nov 7th - Sat - 9am to add comments!
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