Time: July 31, 2022 from 1pm to 5pm
Location: Center for Spiritual Living
Street: 2224 Yew Street Road
City/Town: Bellingham
Website or Map: https://www.csl-bellingham.or…
Phone: 360-303-7089
Event Type: outdoor, green, earth, fair
Organized By: Multi-Faith Network for Climate Justice/ Earth Ministry
Latest Activity: Jun 20, 2022
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Come join together for a greener world!
The Sacred Earth Fair, Multi-faith Network for Climate Justice’s big event this year, is just around the corner! It will happen on the beautiful meadows and surrounding nature trails of the Center for Spiritual Living, 2224 Yew St. Rd., Bellingham, on July 31st from 1-5 pm.
The fair’s vision is informed by Chief Seattle’s inspiring words that “…the earth does not belong to man; man belongs to the earth. Man did not weave the web of life; he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself.”
Lummi Nation’s renowned violinist and speaker Swil Kanim will inspire us, both with his virtuoso violin playing and sharing indigenous beliefs about the interconnectedness of all things. Our fair will also feature the Nooksack Tribe Storytellers, Tamara Cooper-Woodrich and Angela Latoi, who shared this quote with us in anticipation of our gathering: "Although we are blessed to live in the pacific northwest, we need to be conscientious so 7 generations from now our ancestors can enjoy the beauty and resources here." CSL pastor Reverend Dr. Andrea Asebedo and multi-faith singers are our other featured presenters.
Organized with the whole family in mind, there will be lots to do at the fair, including enjoying Zen nature walks on the Center for Spiritual Living’s beautiful grounds, yoga, the Salmon People video from Children of the Setting Sun Productions, refreshments, and much more. Attendees can also meet and interact with several dozen spiritual communities and environmental organizations who will help us enjoy and celebrate nature while we explore the many ways we can choose to care for the earth and each other, as our climate changes.
For more information, email: sacredearthfair@gmail.com
Visit us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1912919172431711
And on Earth Ministry’s website: https://earthministry.org/event/sacred-earth-fair-joining-together-for-a-greener-world/
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