Time: April 25, 2011 from 6:30pm to 9pm
Location: Home of Cyndy Sheldon
Street: 5854 Laurel Ridge Way
City/Town: Bellingham WA 98226
Phone: 360 656 6207
Event Type: class
Organized By: Cyndy Sheldon
Latest Activity: Apr 25, 2011
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These basic practices by Gestalt founder Fritz Perls and his followers enhance our awareness, creativity, contact and aliveness. This experiential class focuses on attending to our senses in the Here and Now, guided fantasy, role playing, body language awareness, and numerous other methods to work through the blocks to our wholeness. Special attention will be given to our “inner knowing”. When we become more in harmony with our true essence we become our best guide, especially important during these unusual and unpredictable times.
Class for 5 Mondays, April 25 through May 23. Fee: $100 or $50 plus 5 life dollars.
For more information and registration contact Cyndy at 360-656-6207 or cyndy.sheldon@comcast.net
We will explore a number of these teachings, along with similar ones taught by the Navajo, Buddhists and Eckhart Tolle.
Acknowledging our truth
Inner knowing & the games we play
Lose your mind & come to yoursenses
The paradoxical theory of change
Being open to the unexpected
Experiencing the now
Working with dreams
Introjecting versus chewing
How “thinking” can cause problems
Slow down, you’re going too fast
Pay attention to the obvious
The importance of being concrete
The creative void, the impasse,
Allowing versus planning
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