Time: May 22, 2022 from 4pm to 6pm
Location: Cornwall Park, North Picnic Shelter
Event Type: community, group, meeting
Organized By: Matt Bryant
Latest Activity: May 17, 2022
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Our next meeting will be 4:00-6:00 on Sunday May 22ndth at the North Picnic Shelter at Cornwall Park. Site details are available at https://cob.org/services/recreation/rental-facilities/picnic-shelters/cornwall-north-shelter-2.
We’ll enjoy a meal together, spend a bit of time looking at our carbon footprints, check out some resources to support individual action, and then shift our focus to the question of: “What can we do together?” Here's the agenda:
4:00-4:30 - Potluck
4:30-4:40 - Welcome
4:40-5:20 - Learning and Reflection
5:20-6:00 - Action Groups
If you plan to join us for the potluck, please bring a vegetarian dish to share (if you're able to - if not, you're still very welcome to join us). All Forward events are zero waste, so please avoid packaged goods and bring foods in reusable containers, and please bring your own plate, utensil, and water bottle. You're encouraged to bring paper and pencil to take notes, as well as a coat to stay warm, as we'll be outside for the entirety of our meeting. You're also strongly encouraged to use alternative transportation or carpool to attend this meeting (if possible).
If you'd like to prepare in advance for our learning and reflection time, please reach out to us for links to the materials.
We hope to see you at the meeting. Please let us know if you have any questions.
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