Time: October 22, 2010 from 9:30am to 12pm
Location: Meeting
Event Type: meeting
Organized By: Futurewise
Latest Activity: Oct 21, 2010
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Blueprint for Transit Oriented Communities
Event Date: 10/22/2010, 9:30AM
City Council Chambers @ Bellingham City Hall 210 Lottie St. A Futurewise Whatcom event Presented in partnership with Whatcom Transit Authority, Whatcom Smart Trips, Sustainable Connections, Downtown Bellingham Partnership and Bellingham Public Development Authority Speakers include: Sara Nikolic, Urban Strategies Director – Futurewise David Cutler, Associate – GGLO A Workshop for Planners and Decision Makers, and open to the public! The Blueprint workshop presents an image-rich vision of Transit Oriented Communities (TOC), provides research linking TOC patterns to numerous social and environmental benefits, analyzes station areas in the state, and lays out policy actions from the local to federal level to encourage more TOC patterns. It is anchored by a comprehensive publication “Transit Oriented Communities: A Blueprint for Washington State,” and provides an action plan for promoting neighborhoods that give people greater access to housing, jobs, shopping, and recreation without relying on a personal vehicle. Created by GGLO, Futurewise, and the Transportation Choices Coalition, the purpose of the Blueprint is to provide guidance and inspiration for communities large and small, and also to serve as an advocacy manual for new legislation that will promote exemplary transit oriented communities in cities throughout the state.
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