Transition Whatcom

Hi kids (big and small),

I've composed grower's guides for all the crops I've trialled for the Backyard Beans & Grains Project. They are all available for free on my new website:


Please pass the word to anyone who might be interested and who might need a little advice on growing any of the following, with a local slant: amaranth, millet, quinoa, oats, wheat, barley, buckwheat, flax, flour/dent/flint corn, dry beans, soybeans, garbanzos, or soup peas!


Happy planting!


Views: 97

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Great work Krista! Beautiful & informative website!

Hope you'll share this info on the Earth Gardens network, with Shannon's Garden E-News, and let us know when you've got your faceboo page up!


Next Biodynamic 'Fruit/Seed” dates 2011 are:

Mon,Tues May 2nd & 3rd

Wed, Thur May 11 & 12

Sun afternoon & Mon May 29 & 30.


Research shows working on these dates does make a difference!...And farmers know that they also have to take into consideration soil temp & drainage & labor & many other simultaneous circumstances.


Dates are from the Kimberton Hill Calendar - Stella Natura


I have a good biodynamic video that would be good to get a few of us together to view.

 (Jasmin shared a copy with Christy & me...and we are planning on attempting to make some 501 preperation)

Congrats Krista on the website! Looks great, with lots of important info!



Krista, we can't find your free 'grower's guides' for beans & grain on your website anymore.  Would you repost a link for us?

Heather: Old posting! The grower's guides were available online for free for one year and then they morphed into my book: "Growing Dry Beans & Grains in the Pacific Northwest".  Thank you for buying a copy and supporting the Backyard Beans & Grains Project. The seed and book sales are an important step towards covering the costs of running the seed trials and educating the public. 

Krista, Thanks demonstrating the vision of local eating from local crops grown with heirloom seeds & farmed with small-scale tools! 


Ok- I'll take this old discussion off the 'feature' list.  Consider updating with info to your guide & website, or delete in the future..       I've added your grain-bean guide title & link to our discussion “Recommended Books & Visual Resources'.

I planted beans, squash, eggplant with Brian on Monday; its a  fruit/seed biodynamic planting time period through Tuesday, and he is jamming to get all fruits & grains in the ground.  (as we all are)..

Tues pm is garden work party in Columbia next to Jasmins...I plan to bring my broad fork & a few seeds.  I'd love to work with you in the grain/bean/squash/potato fields in Everson once a month or whenever you want to call in a weeding-hoeing work party. Ok to put me on your email or text list for help. 


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