Transition Whatcom

jasmin liepa
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Jasmin liepa's Friends

  • Megan A. Barnes
  • Joy Patterson
  • Paul Kuepfer
  • Irene Hinkle
  • Dov Shoneman
  • Christie Cassel
  • Aidan Key
  • Celt M. Schira
  • christy in Bham
  • Sandie Ledray
  • Susan Kroll and Sergio Moreno
  • Travis Linds
  • Jean Kroll
  • Suki Aufhauser
  • Shannon Maris

jasmin liepa's Page

Profile Information

How are you currently involved in the Transition?
In what ways do you identify with the Transition movement? Why are you interested?
important to give imput into vision of future within the community..and to listen/allow for diverse ideas.....
Do you have particular interests, skills, talents or resources you would like to bring to Transition Whatcom?
natural conflict resolution and harmony as desirable needs for the community....gardening.....permaculture ideas..
In what neighborhood or part of the county do you reside?
north bellingham
Where did you hear about Transition Whatcom and how did you find our community network website?
Please note that you do not have to answer all of the above questions in order to join, and you can always come back later to edit your profile. If it's all too many questions for now, please provide a short answer below on why you'd like to join this site (or a summary of the above, if answered).
many friends are part of this vision and i was ivited to join

Comment Wall (7 comments)

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At 2:54pm on January 30, 2013, Megan A. Barnes said…

Hello Jasmin, thanks for tapping me on the shoulder and saying hi!  Did you find what you were looking for?  I realized that I need to expand my garden space this year, yay!

At 5:02pm on April 9, 2011, Heather K said…
Hi Jasmin!  I've just posted a Paul Wheaton video on our TW site and on my faceboo page!  Enjoy and share a comment! -
At 8:30pm on December 4, 2010, Laura J Sellens said…

You are receiving this because you’ve expressed interest in the Piteba Oil Press group order. By my count 10 people have expressed interest! If we are able to order 8 or more, shipped to one address, the special price will be Euro 68,50 per expeller (shipping is included). At today’s exchange rate that makes it $91.89 USD. Otherwise, with 4-7 it will be Euro 72.32, or $97.01.

After 2 long conversations with US Customs and an “import specialist” I determined that there will be no duty expected on this order (Tariff # 8479.20.0000). I also found out that although the shipment could pass customs without a search—in that case it would take shipping time plus about 5 days, or it could take 30-45 days to get through customs. That’s not expected, I’m just giving the worst case scenario. Actually the worst case is if it’s determined that these are Trademark infringed and get confiscated. But I think this company looks legitimate and if I was going to counterfeit something for the black market, it wouldn’t be hand crank oil presses. But I’m laying out the risk for your informed decision making.

The payment is made through Paypal-one electronic payment, one address. I’ll want to get the money from you before I put in the order so I don’t have to front you all, however I’m willing to compensate for small changes due to exchange rate, until we can settle up. This has taken more time than I thought, so from here on I’m trying to make it easy for myself. I’ll want you to come get your presses, although if you tell me your neighborhood, I can connect you with any others in your area so just one person could pick up for the neighborhood. I live right near downtown off Lakeway.

Please email me at (so I can avoid publishing my home address on this ning site), whether yes or no. When I have an accurate price based on the size of the order, I’ll give you my address to send me a check.

Cheers, Laura Sellens
At 4:47pm on November 28, 2010, Heather K said…
Hello my friend! I tried to send you info on an event and a herbal discussion but was unable to. Your TW privacy page is set in a way I'm not able to forward info.
I have mine set to be viewed by TW friends, and those contacts can all forward Tw info to me. Would be great if you considered resetting yours so I can forward to you.
At 1:36pm on November 28, 2010, Heather K said…
Consider hand powered tincture press as alternative to seed/oil press:
Tincture Press that can do alcohol or oil:
Longevity Herb Company

Horizon Herbs- ½ gal press:

other links to presses:

Tincture press – less expensive

Rich Gulch – tincture press

Hi Jasmin! Yep I got both your comments! I've set the program to hold posting the comments until I read my emails and respond! Give a call.
At 2:12pm on May 13, 2010, Heather K said…
Jasmin & Lonnie, Thank your for opening your garden to our event "Walking Gaia's Gardens"!

All who attended expressed awe & perceived the heart of your creative visions!
Your garden continues to be an oasis of nourishment for the soul! As artists you create a living garden tapestry of textures, colors, & fragrance within an urban setting abundant with edibles & medicinals. I am honored to know you and help assist you in your living creations! May the bees & birds continue to nest & bless your home!
At 8:36pm on April 7, 2010, Suki Aufhauser said…
I'll be home as of the 15th. I'd love for you to come out!!! I'll give you a jiggle & we'll set something up.

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