Time: June 13, 2011 from 7pm to 9pm
Location: Downtown Food Co-op
Street: Downtown Food Co-op at "Healthy Connections" building
City/Town: Bellingham
Website or Map: http://transitionwhatcom.ning…
Phone: 360-733-3541
Event Type: class, workshop
Organized By: David MacLeod
Latest Activity: Jun 11, 2011
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Whatcom Folk School Class #35. PRINCIPLES AND PATHWAYS BEYOND SUSTAINABILITY - SERIES. First class at Cordata Food Co-op, 315 Westerly Road, at Cordata Parkway (See map and directions)
6 sessions - June 6, 13, 20, 27, July 5, (a Tuesday), July 11; all Mondays except one; 7 – 9pm
If you want to join us beginning with our second class, please register with the Whatcom Folk School, or call for details.
Principles of sustainability, centered on the video teaching of David Holmgren, co-originator of Permaculture. The path to sustainability can be fraught with many confusions, false leads, risks and inefficiencies. A simple set of guiding principles that have wide, even universal application, can be extremely useful as a checklist when considering the inevitably complex options that lay before us. In this class we will explore the application of these principles to our personal, economic, social and political structures. In addition to the videos, we will have assigned readings, class discussions, and interactive exercises.
Facilitated by David MacLeod, This class is co-sponsored by Transition Whatcom.
Due at registration: Registration Fee: $15 + Location Fee: $5. Due at beginning of class: Instructors Fee: $15 for whole series + Materials Fee: $5
Registration for this class needs to be done through Whatcom Folk School. Register online here, or at Michael's Books on Grand Avenue..
More info on the class can be found in my blog post here.
David MacLeod is a social permaculturist who was a co-initiator of Transition Whatcom, served on the Vision Team for Sustainable Bellingham, and co-initiated the city and county appointed Energy Resource Scarcity/Peak Oil Task Force. His writings have appeared in Whatcom Watch, the Whatcom Independent, and the Energy Bulletin. David was named an Environmental Hero in 2009 by RE Sources for Sustainable Communities, and was a panelist at Seattle Green Fest in 2010, and the Skagit Human Rights Festival in 2011.
Thank you Heather! The two videos you posted (one of the links doesn't work) from the TW YouTube channel have now also been posted here on this site, under the videos tab. Not required viewing, but one short (5.53 minutes:Permaculture Principles with David Holmgren), and one longer (26 minute interview: Permaculture & Peak Oil: Beyond 'Sustainability'), both of these may help folks understand the direction of our class and whether or not they will want to attend.
Before the first class, I do request attendees to read 1) the introduction pages (pp. 1-8) of the free download, 'The Essence of Permaculture," and 2) "Do We Need Principles."
If folks are interested in delving further, they can read...
1) the entire Introduction in the book(if you have it) "Permaculture: Principles and Pathways Beyond Sustainability" (pp. xix - xxxi)
2) "The Five Axioms of Sustainability" by Richard Heinberg
3) "Arithmetic, Population, and Energy" by Albert Bartlett
Please remember to register for the class in person at Michael's Books, 109 Grand Avenue, downtown B'ham, Or online at the WFS website:
Or For those who can't register online or in town, the Whatcom Folk School message number is - 319-7495.
Thanks Heather! :)
Two Videos:
"Permaculture & Peak Oil: Beyond Sustainability”David Holmgren http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFjFG24BeX8
“Permaculture Principles”- http://www.youtube.com/user/TransitionWhatcom#p/c/0/36Au-YIpSb0
Hi folks,
Remember, you can register for the class in person at Michael's Books, 109 Grand Avenue, downtown B'ham.
Or online at the WFS website:
Or For those who can't register online or in town, the Whatcom Folk School message number is - 319-7495.
Please register as early as possible, as the number of registrants will determine the location of the class. And if you can let me know personally once you've registered, that will help as well in my own planning (I don't necessarily get updated from the school on a regular basis).
Thanks, I'm looking forward to this class!
Great! Purchasing and reading of the entire book is not required, but it should greatly increase your understanding and experience of the class.
I just posted on my blog some detail on preparing for the first class:
In brief, I'm asking students to download The Essence of Permaculture from permacultureprinciples.com. It is a short summary of the book Permaculture: Principles and Pathways Beyond Sustainabiity. 1st 8 pages can be read for the 1st class.
Also, "Do We Need Principles?" from Holmgren's Collected Writings, which you can download from my blog page above.I've finally obtained my own copy of "Permaculture- Principles & Pathways Beyond Sustainablity" by David Holmgren! Used my birthday card discount at Village Books. The library has a copy too.
David, can you pass on some minimal page numbers in the book to read for the whole class series - or some of his charts/drawing to study? (I'm now also reading Honeybee Democracy)
(For those who can't register online or in town, the Whatcom Folk School message number is - 319-7495.)
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