Transition Whatcom

How we work together in our Transition projects is a matter of Heart & Soul.

Our group structures and processes can impede or expedite our goals. On Nov. 22 we learned and practiced a group process tool that can be used in any Transition project, or in any other situation for that matter. It's simple and it facilitates a circular flow for equal participation, draws on the collective creativity of the group, and keeps groups focused on the purpose of the project.

The process is from a workshop David (MacLeod) and I attended a couple years ago put on by the local organization called Collective Intelligence solutions. ( Robert Bystrom was one of the instructors. They used a process they called a Question Driven Segue. I thought it was brilliant and simple and I've since used it in a few group situations. When I talked about it at the last Heart and Soul meeting (Nov. 5th), Kathryn Fentress got sparked and we started talking about sharing with the Heart and Soul meeting. I love the way the tool helps groups side step confrontation, debate, cross talk and only assertive people sharing. (Of course each of these modes has value at times, but they can become the default mode and do have their limits)

There are other tools and skills that could help us work together more productively and joyfully and help us navigate the inevitable challenges of working in groups. If you are interested in starting or participating in groups to learn these skill please speak up on this forum. There are other people in our community who are developing and using this and other tools like it.

From Transition Whatcom Guidelines:
"Transition Whatcom will use meeting structures and group processes that facilitate respectful conduct and promote free expression, safety, and allow creative wisdom to emerge."

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Thank you for this, Angela! I so enjoyed our Heart and Soul gathering on Sunday! And thank you, again, to Kathryn and Tristan for all the work you put into it, as well!
Yes, the exercise we did on Sunday was powerful! Thank you for bringing it forward. I went to some of Daimon's, Ham's and Robert's workshops a few years ago and got a lot out of them. To question is...the answer!! :-) Raphael Kushnir and Byron Katie, two authors/speakers who I admire, both use inquiry processes.


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