Transition Whatcom

Heather K's Comments

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At 12:22pm on July 25, 2013, Tiffany A. Dedeaux said…

Hi Heather,  I'm sorry I missed your comment!  Thanks for the welcome and I look forward to meeting you as well.  Thanks for the feedback on the logo.  It was inspired by the deer encounters I've had since coming to Bellingham and my love for the wisdom of trees.  :)

At 3:52pm on June 10, 2013, Margo Terrill said…

Hi Heather,

Both of those events sound great! I will attend both! Thanks and I look forward to meeting you and possibly Jean.  


At 10:13am on May 13, 2013, Diane said…

Hi Heather,

  I am northeast of Barkley village too.  Maybe we're neighbors?  I look forward to meeting you soon.  I will try to make it to the next roving garden work party, it sounds like fun.

At 9:22pm on February 13, 2013, Lauri Loveland said…

Hi Heather. No, we have not found a spot in Whatcom yet. I would like to talk to you about what you do & what we are looking for. Here's my email address:

laurialoveland AT gmail dot com

I usually can get email in the evenings.


At 7:32pm on December 22, 2012, Heather K said…

Community Seed Swap

January 27th, 2013 Sunday  1:00-4:30

Getting Seeds Into the Hands of the People”

5th Annual Bellingham Community Seed Swap!

*.  1027 North Forest Street- Majestic upstairs *.

Free and Open to the Public - Donations accepted!


1:00  Doors Open

1:15  Opening Circle & Swap Etiquette

1:30  Swapping Begins

2:00  “Basic Seed Saving” talk downstairs with Celt (to be confirmed)

4:30  Swap Ends & Clean Up



*. People with Heirloom Seeds, Packaged Seeds,

      & Edible Tubers & Seed Potatoes To Share

(Please No Squash Seeds & No Genetically Modified Seeds !)

*. People Without Seeds who want seeds to grow & save welcomed!

Label Your Seeds & Bring Extra Envelopes to Share --



Sustainable Bellingham – Center for Local Self-Reliance - Earthcare Garden Designs – Majestic – Forest Gardens – Community Food Coop

and More Sponsors Being Sought from –  Transition Whatcom, WSU Master Gardeners – Outback Garden

Light refreshments will be provided & Finger Foods Welcomed.


Join our Volunteer Team to set up, take down,

& assist with promotion & planning!

At 3:59pm on December 22, 2012, Heather K said…

Democracy Cafe- December 29th at Bagelry

How Can We Minimize Our Ecological Footprint? - In our families, businesses, local community, & our government" - Is our December topic.

RSVP is requested by our host Terry Garret at or call 676-7525.

Location: The Bagelry- 1319 Railroad Ave

Time: Saturday December 29, 2012 from 5:45-9pm.

Coffee, tea, and light snacks will be available.

Join us in creating this 'World Cafe'” style of knowledge sharing conversation, with members of Transition Whatcom and Living Democracy.

The book World Café by Juanita Brown & David Isaacs inspires our Democracy Cafe' through 'knowledge sharing”. We each have a special voice to be shared & heard.

Here’s how Democracy Café works: Each mini-conversation rotates between tables with 4-5 people. At 30” or so, we play musical tables and everyone moves to a new table to converse with an entirely new group. One person stays at the original table as a “host” of the ideas the group has come up with. The others leave as “ambassadors” of the ideas from their table & go on to a different table. A new round of discussions begin with the table host presenting the ideas generated by the first group & the ambassadors joining in with the ideas brought with them from their first table discussions. After 30” another table change takes place, and then another. The ideas created are “cross pollinated” again & again; usually creating a result that is far beyond anything a single person or round table discussion would come up with.

At the end, the table notes are placed on the wall so everyone can look them over. A whole group discussion takes place over what came up. Personal & family improvements might be New Years resolutions. Community improvement ideas can be presented to the city & county. National ideas can be communicated to our representatives.

At 8:39pm on November 8, 2012, Jenni Clara said…

Thank you. THANK YOU. Yes. It is us you are thinking of... we meet through Spruce. I'd love to connect soon. I appreciate you so much.

At 5:53am on October 22, 2012, Sarah Stern said…

Wow, I had a look on the skillshare event - looks really great :-)

thank you for appreciating my networking activities :-)



At 10:43pm on August 30, 2012, Elaine Nichols said…

Hi Heather! I would love to help out but I will be on Whidbey cooking at an event that weekend. So bummed that I will miss this. Thanks for thinking of me, perhaps the next one.


At 3:29pm on August 30, 2012, Megan A. Barnes said…
Thanks for sharing info, I love volunteering so I appreciate that. I wont be able to commit to helping at Skill Share, but I can at future times with other things:) I am 50% chance coming on the 22nd, looking forward to it!
At 1:33pm on July 17, 2012, Heather K said…

Whatcom SkillShare Faire-  Sat Sept 22 - Deming Logging Grounds.  Arrive fri pm to set up and camp, take down sun am.

At 5:51pm on July 11, 2012, Heather K said…

Edible Ecocsystems Emerging: Forest Garden Design Intensive- 9 days.

Sept 14-23 near Portland Oregon with with David Jacke. or   Author David Jacke is one of my mentors from the oceanic Atlantic watersheds.

At 9:18am on June 22, 2012, Gretchen Norman Woody said…

Hi Heather! Thanks for your sweet comments!!! I will post events on the links that you provided.

Have a great weekend!


At 8:48am on April 26, 2012, Theadora Sideras said…

Hi Heather,

Looking again at happenings. Hoping to actually meet you and others now that we have some pleasant weather to go out in!

 What are the things you are going to?

At 1:32am on April 26, 2012, Roseanne said…

Are there any places in Happy Valley area to garden that have space available?

At 4:42pm on April 25, 2012, Suzanne Jordan said…

Hello, hello! Lovely to see you here on Transition Whatcom! I'm finding some difficulty traversing around the site. So much information!! I'd love to offer workshops for the transition people, but can't figure out how to go about doing that. Any advice? Thank you!

At 1:45pm on January 20, 2012, Future Man said…

Hi Heather,

Thanks for connecting with me here. I don't log on very often, but I want to make it more habitual, because there are so many cool people to meet and things I want to participate in around town.

I'm planning on checking out the Quarterly Meeting this Sunday. Maybe I'll see you there.



At 1:28pm on January 2, 2012, Heather K said…

Photos:  public domain images:

At 8:26pm on December 28, 2011, Heather K said…

“Getting Seeds Into the Hands of the People!”

4th Annual COMMUNITY SEED DAY on January 29th, 2012 Sunday 1pm-4pm – Bellingham at The Marjestic 1027 N. Forest St.

At 6:47pm on July 14, 2011, Brooke Waaga said…
We have a plot in the Cordata garden! We're A-4 I think. Or maybe A-5. The second to last A. It's been awesome. I've never really gardened before and I was amazed at how relatively easy it's been. You just plant it, and it grows! And I'll check out that other link you sent me. Thanks!

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