Transition Whatcom

Transition doesn't support any particular political parties or candidates, but it does recognize the important role government plays. Step 6 of the 12 Steps of Transition tells us to "Build a Bridge to Local Government: ... Whether it is planning issues, funding or networking, you need them
on board."

With that in mind, I'd like to encourage us all to vote in the WA state primary. I consider educated voting to be the minimum duty of an engaged citizen. Ballots should go in the mail on Monday, or be hand delivered on Tuesday, if you want to be sure your ballets are counted.

By the way, we're fortunate to have two Transition Whatcom members running for office...and against each other. They are both good candidates in my opinion, and would serve us well. They are both well aware of the peak oil, climate change, and economic instability issues we address with Transition.I have worked with Craig Mayberry on Sustainable Bellingham's Vision Team. He teaches business and economics at WWU and operates Heritage Lane farm with his wife and children. Craig (Independent) and Richard May (Democrat) are both running for 42nd District State Rep, position 1 (and are both members of TW, as previously mentioned). Richard owns Cafe Caffe, and has served on numerous non-profit boards.

The other candidates for this position are Al Jensen (democrat) and Jason Overstreet (Republican/Tea Party)

Some of us have a Whatcom County Council race on our primary ballot. Because the County Council focuses so much time on planning and development issues for the County, these races are always extremely important. Please do your research and vote for the best candidate. Choices are: Theresa Sygitowicz, Jean Melious, and Tony Larson. Neither Theresa nor Tony Larson appear to have a website. • Jean Melious has a website. She teaches land use and planning at WWU, and has served 3 years on the county planning commission (chaired the Commission). Tony Larson is publisher of Northwest Business Monthly, and Theresa Sygitowicz is a farmer who has worked at St. Joseph's Hospital for 17 years. You can read more about these candidates in the Whatcom County Voter's Guide

There are a couple of State Supreme Court justices on the ballot. We hardly ever hear about these people, and it can be hard to choose who to vote for. Position 1 has Stan Rumbaugh against Jim Johnson. Rumbaugh is an experienced Pierce County attorney with a long history of community activism. He serves on the boards of Bates Technical College, the Tacoma Housing Authority, several health care and social service
groups, and other local organizations.
Johnson, in contrast, has represented the Building Industry Association of Washington, Tim Eyman, and the Evergreen Freedom Foundation.

In position 6 we have Charlie Wiggins against Richard Sanders. A former judge with Division II of the Court of Appeals, Wiggins frequently sits as a pro-tem judge in Jefferson County. Wiggins'
opponent, Justice Richard Sanders, is considered a social conservative.

Links to candidate websites for other races can be found on the Herald's website:

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Comment by Heather K on August 16, 2010 at 3:28pm
VOTE: Ballets in the mail Monday, or drop off in person Tuesday! Thanks for post David!

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