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Incredible Edible Todmorden-a community committed to growing their own food

From the homepage of their website:

"Incredible Edible Todmorden aims to increase the amount of local food grown and eaten in the town. Businesses, schools, farmers and the community are all involved. Vegetables and fruit are springing up everywhere. Public flower beds are being transformed into community herb gardens and vegetable patches."

This is a really interesting holistic approach to involving a community in "resilence building" around food production.

Check it out!

Also, here is an on-line story about the Todmorden project that gives a lot of background:

Greenest Town

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Comment by Heather K on December 4, 2009 at 12:54am
Great article on a British town! Gardeners are action oriented and will often plant even more land then they can maintain. Many of us are already digging up our neighbors yards, but there is still a lack of land that has access to water and with the permission for us to plant.
A bicycle tour or an online-map tour to identify community owned public lands that have good sun exposure would be a start. I wonder if Chris E with BUGS has a list of possible sunny public lands that he could list.

Then the gardeners & volunteers could begin their own "Incredible Edible" gardens and eventually the community politics would catch up with what the people need & desire.
And in our often cloudy rainy climate, a community greenhouse would be used both to grow food, and for educational & therapeutic purposes!

Although, I sure would not want to encourage folks to cut down anymore of the small urban-oxygen-producing trees we have to create sunnier garden fact I would encourage us to plant more trees, both natives & fruits& nuts!

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