Transition Whatcom

There was sure a lot of interesting threads of conversation started at that meeting. As someone who came for the first time, I was impressed.

Of many questions and topics which came up, I remember someone commenting that he thought there needed to be more motivation for people to make changes than just peek oil. Well, here is another motivation. Health. I think about this a lot using the bicycle as my means of transportation. Even if one person's action is just a drop in the bucket against peek oil, health is a motivator. I can feel the difference from just my own actions. I don't have to wait for the world to change to get the benefit.

People talk a lot about gardening and local food production. This is good, but my perspective is different. I live near downtown Bellingham in a very small living space. There are other ways to bring about change than just gardening. I've never driven a car and I live within walking distance from my work. Advantages of a denser urban setting.

There are people who move out to rural areas so they have more food growing space, but then depend on their cars more to run errands and pay the bills.

Looks like this web site can be a useful resource.

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Comment by David MacLeod on May 14, 2009 at 6:21pm
Thanks for the comments Robert! Good thoughts!

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