Transition Whatcom

November 2012 Blog Posts (5)

World Energy Report 2012

The IEA is the international organization that many governmental bodies look to for authoritative data on energy, put in place during the energy crisis of the 1970s.  They put out a major report once per year, and I have been reading the executive summary of this report for about 7 or 8 years.  It is fascinating to see how the report evolves year after year.  I wrote a piece for Energy Bulletin a few years ago, looking at the trend of the reporting from 2005 through 2009 (…


Added by David MacLeod on November 28, 2012 at 9:51pm — 1 Comment

Celt's Garden - Gardening as Self-Unemployment Insurance

The single mother in New York City told her story to the NY Times: She's a self-employed writer, illustrator and marketing materials designer. She lives modestly with her two half grown boys in a tiny apartment. "Sometimes, my clients pay late. Sometimes, they don't pay at all." She relies on the food bank to get through the month, especially that last grim week. All of which just highlights how difficult subsistence activities are in a tiny apartment in the middle of NYC, dependent on cash…


Added by Celt M. Schira on November 12, 2012 at 9:30am — No Comments

Learning and growing

Single momma of 2 year old, looking for work and a place to live (all at once...when it rains it pours!) Please let me know of anything along the Transition lines and event coordination. I am a recent Americorps and hard worker but value every minute I have with my son. Am willing and able to barter in many ways. Please contact me for more information if you are reading this. I need my community now more than ever... and the more I feel you, the more I will give back someday. Service is my…


Added by Jenni Clara on November 6, 2012 at 9:43pm — 1 Comment

October Activities You May Have Missed

          Transition Whatcom sponsors many wonderful events every month. They include co-sponsored author events at Village Books, our monthly movie night, gatherings and talks. In addition our members create and participate in many, many events.  With such a creative, diverse community, it is easy to miss out. The TWOG has decided to provide a recap each month of some of the main events that have brought us together and inspired us during the month. 

           Please recognize that…


Added by Twog on November 3, 2012 at 4:02pm — 1 Comment

Hurricane Cassandra

Hurricane Sandy as Greek Tragedy

by Mark Hertsgaard, The Nation

Never has a hurricane been more aptly, if tragically, named than Sandy, the superstorm that flooded New York City and battered much of the East…


Added by David MacLeod on November 2, 2012 at 9:51pm — 1 Comment

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